Proceedings of the Free Papers of the 5th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine

Barcelona, Spain, September 23-27, 2001
available Invited Speakers Volume too.

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Tras los esfuerzos realizados para la organización del 5th Worl Congress in Perinatal Medicine, la gan cantidad de información científica aportada debe difundirse de manera que una importante cantidad de especialistas puedan tener acceso a ella. Es por ello que se consideró oportuno publicar, in extenso, parte de los abstracts de forma que, en su conjunto, pudieran hacer un libro.

Los temas que se incluyen son los tópicos que representan la vanguardia de la perinatología. Muchos trabajos estan en fase experimental, y lo que aquí se presentan suelen ser los primeros resultados de las lineas investigadoras. Este es el valor de este libro, constituir la punta del "icberg" de la investigación perinatológica, y el camino por donde se dirigirán los nuevos acontecimientos del futuro.

Además, este libro representa la demostración del interés de los investigadores de divulgación de los resultados, de manera que otros grupos puedan, con la información proporcionada, abrir nuevos horizontes y contrastar sus datos con el resto de investigadores mundiales.

Queremos dar las gracias al esmero y profesionalidad que ha mostrado Monduzzi Editore en la edición de este libro.

Los editores
Barcelona, septiembre del 2001


Perinatal Epidemiology

Factors Affecting Milk Feeding Patterns
M. Alomar, I. Borràs and J. Llobera

In Utero Fetal Exposure to Ritodrine and Echocardiographic Long-term Follow-up Evaluation
M. Alvarez, C. Medrano, F. Rueda, A. Corporales, A. Sola, B. Cid and S. Pita

Group B Streptococcal Serotype Distribution of Isolates from Colonized Pregnant Women at the Time of Delivery in United Arab Emirates
A. Amin, Y.M. Abdulrazzaq and S. Uduman

Perinatal Audit in East Java, Indonesia (January 1st, 1998 until to December 31st, 2000)
S. Damanik, K. Tirtahusada and B. Rahayu

Subsequent Perinatel Performance Related to Previous Caesarean Section
E. de la Mata and E. Coscarelli

Effect of Maternal Age on Pregnancy Planning in Puerto Rico
A. de la Vega

A Nationwide Program for the Use of Preconceptional Folic Acid to Prevent the Development of Open Neural Tube Defects. Who Is Really Using Folic Acid?
A. de la Vega and E. Salicrup

Birthrate Epidemiology
M.T. Del Hierro, E. Irurzun, G. Vallejo, T. Macia and A. Diez

Is it Possible to Improve Maternal-fetal Transfers?
R. Desbriere, C. Gire, A. Flori, X. Carcopino, C. Nicaise, C. Chau, C. d’Ercole, J.M. Garnier and L. Boubli

Lamotrigine and Pregnancy. Clinical Experience of Co-operation Between Epilepsy and Gynaecology Departments
M.C. Diaz-Obregon, M. Domínguez, H. Bhathal, R. Santiago and J. Herraiz

Measuring the Outcome of Neonatal Care: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Two Methods of Data Collection
E.S. Draper

IGF-1 and Bone Turnover in Pregnant Women with Low Calcium Intake
D. Galimberti, M. Joao, S. Bernacchi, V. Caramés, P. Fernández and N. Aparicio

Asymmetric Crying Facies and Congenital Malformations
E. Garzena, A. Ventriglia, A. Patanella, L. Becchino and C. Fabris

Epidemiology of Congenital Anomalies in a Brazilian Terciary Center (five years experience)
F. Guerra, L.G.P. Silva, J.C. Llerena Jr., R.N. Galluzzo, O. Coser, O. Bonfim and H. Werner

Current Practice of Neonatal Vitamin K Prophylaxis in Irish Hospitals – A Survey
R. Gul, M. Dunworth, N. Keane and R.K. Philip

Cesarean Section in Gestate Adolescent. University Central Hospital Dr. "Antonio Maria Pineda". Barquisimeto. Estado Lara. January–June year 2000
L. Mendoza, M. Fernandez, J.L. Goncalves, T. Díaz and E. Lobo

Vaginal Parturition in Pregnant Adolescent. University Central Hospital Dr. "Antonio Maria Pineda". Barquisimeto. Estado Lara. January–June year 2000
L. Mendoza, M. Fernandez, J.L. Goncalves, S. Morón, E. Lugo, E. Gimenez, T. Díaz and E. Lobo

Choanal Atresia Following Methimazole Exposure Postconcepcionale
M.J. Oliván del Cacho and M.L. Martínez Frías

Vertical Transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection – Longitudinal Five Year Study
H.R. Pedroso, A.H. Lucas and P. Afonso

Bone Dysplasias, Clinical and Radiological Approach to Four Cases
A. Peinado Garrido, F. Contreras Chova, C. Borja Pérez, A.E. Jerez Calero, A. Garach Gómez, P. Rodríguez Santano, V. Ramos Ramos, J.A. López Torres and M.J. Miras Baldó

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) in the VLBWI: Respiratory Follow-up at 24 Months of Life
M. Rinaldi, G. Popolo, G.F. Maffei, R. Litta and G. Rinaldi

The Epistemological Limits of Epidemiological Research in Perinatal Health
C. Roustit

The Importance of Ongoing Care Services in Obstetrics. The project (1997-2002) of the Careggi Hospital in Florence (Italy)
M. Santini, M.E.K. Mie and G. Lino

The Course and Outcome of Pregnancy in Women with Chlamydial Infection
A.M. Savitcheva, M.G. Tchkhartishvili, O.N. Arzhanova and S.N. Drobchenko

Survival and Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Low Birth Weight Infants Over 8 Years
M. Tzaki, M. Taliadourou, H. Bazigou-Photopoulou,
A. Papavasiliou and Y. Papathanasiou

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve for Evaluate the Sepsis Score of Töllner
A.A. Vieira, M. de Carvalho, M.E.L. Moreira and J.M.A. Lopes

Perinatal Screening

Transitory Presentation of Polyhydramnios: An Ultrasonographic-Clinical Form Also Associated with Chromosopathy
R. Alegría, A. Donayre, M. Limas, L. Torres and F. Aznarán

Duplication 6q Syndrome: A Familial Case with Partial Trisomy 6qt(5;6)(p15; q23)
C.G. Armengod, M.F. Omaña, F. Centeno, F. Ballesteros, M. Martín and C. Zulueta

Non-specific Radiological Findings in Neonatal Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC)
B. Badowicz and C. Pakulski

Avidity Maturation As a Marker of Congenital Toxoplasmosis
W. Buffolano, M. Lappalainen, L. Hedman, F. Ciccimarra and K. Hedman

Is Single Sample C Reactive Protein a Good Indicator of Neonatal Sepsis?
M.C.F. Dalri, C. Nasser, A.B.S. Machado, D.C. Carvalho, F.R. Nunes and M.E.L. Moreira

Acceptance Rates of Amniocentesis Are Influenced By Method of Risk Assessment
A. de la Vega and G. Leavitt

Pathological Nape Fold as Ultrasound Screening of Chromosomal Pathologies
M. Garcia, M. Granda, F. Yeguez, A. Bermudez, A. Sosa, E. Oria and G. Giugni

sPECAM-1 in Paired Serum and Breast Milk Samples of Lactating Mothers and Sera of Their Neonates in the Early Postpartum Period
G. Giannaki, D. Rizos, K. Xyni, A. Sarandakou, I. Phocas and G. Creatsas

Maternal Antiphospholipid Antibodies During Pregnancy and Liver Disease with Coagulopathy and Thrombocytopenia in the Preterm Offspring
B. Heinzl, B. Resch, S. Gallistl, J. Kutschera, F. Reiterer and W. Mueller

Validation of Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry as Diagnostic Method of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
A.P. Martínez de Gante, I.E. Juárez-Muñoz, N.V. López-Hernández, H. García, P. Izunza-Muñiz, O. Vilchis-Quiróz, F. Núñez-Tinoco, D. Miranda-González, A. Mercado Arellano and M.M. Sicandra-Rico

Isolated Second Trimester Low HCG Associated to Complicated Pregnancy
M. Orera, R. Pérez Fernández-Pacheco, E. Dulín, C. Trascasa, C. Lostau, M.D. Lillo and M.D. Hernández

Maternal Care in Reducing Maternal Mortality in East Java Province, Indonesia
P. Rochjati, R. Budi and Irawan

Prenatal Genetic Counseling in Inner-city Hospitals in USA: Serving Patients Rather Than Policy-makers
J. Santolaya-Forgas, T. Gimpel and T. Myles

Perinatal Nutrition

Immunoblotting Identification of Maternal and Cord Blood’sSpecific IgE to Bovine Milk Proteins
E. Bertino, A. Coscia, S. Costa, V. Buttafuoco, A. Simonitti, G. Prandi, C. Martano, P. Tonetto, C. Bisson, S. Valentini, A. Conti and C. Fabris

The Serum Maternal Lipids as Source of Energy in the Labor and Caesarean Operation. Preliminary Communications
E. Castañeda, D. Viegas and M. Ortega

The Time of Full Enteral Feeding and Its Influencing Factors in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Y.-Y. Choi, C.-Y. Cho and S.-W. Joo

Nutritional Practices in Newborn Under 1500g at Birth
N.O.M. Gianini, M.E.L. Moreira and S. Freire

Lack of Correlation of Leptin Levels in Human Milk and the Dependent Variables of New-borns
X. Miró, E. Arranz, G. Solís, J.A. Garrote, M. Rivero and A. Blanco-Quirós

Relationship Between Maternal Lipid profile and Maternal and Neonatal Biometries
M. Ortega, D. Viegas and E. Castaneda

Head Growth Response to Calorie Supplementation in Preterm Infants
G.J. Reynolds

Inadequate Response to Calorie Supplementation in Preterm Infants
G.J. Reynolds

Increase in the Levels of Leptin in Maternal Serum in the Postdelivery with a Sparse Reflex in Human Milk Leptin Levels
M. Rivero, J. A. Garrote, E. Arranz, X. Miró and A. Blanco-Quirós

Evaluation of the Survival and Behavioural Development of Very- Low- Birth- Weight Infants at the Age of Three Years or Older
A.P. Simões, A. Nunes, F. Melo, I. Paz, C. Santos, M.A. Bispo and J.M. Palminha

A Comparison of the Transplacental Concentration Gradients for Non-glucose Carbohydrates and Polyols for Human and Ovine Pregnancies
C. Teng, M. Jóźwik, T. Regnault, C. Paolini, A. Marconi, R. Wilkening and F. Battaglia

Fetal phisiology

The Spherical Alveolus: Fact or Fiction
K. Adamsons, J. Burgos and R. George

Summary Gas Pressure (pS=pO2+pCO2) in "Normal" Human Fetus Gas Exchange Estimation
G.Y. Gebel, A.G. Kruglov, S.G. Suvorov, N.G. Ignatov, V.N. Utkin, L.M. Golostenova, A.N. Dasaev and A.U. Lekmanov

Assessing Acute Pain in Neonates: A Preliminary Report
A. Mayuku, A. Eneh and R. Oruamabo

Duration of Labor As a Function of Menarche to Conception Interval: Influence of Beta-adrenergic Receptor Blockade
N. Moreno, S. Diaz, M. Verdiales, P. Santiago and K. Adamsons

Developmental Changes in Mitochondrial Activity and Energy Metabolism in the Immature Rat Brain
R. Nagano, A. Nakai, Y. Taniuchi, Y. Shibazaki, H. Asakura, A. Oya, A. Yokota, T. Koshino and T. Araki

Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Short-term-variation of Fetal Heart Rate Analyzed by a Computerized System
E. Nunes de Morais, P. El Beitune, P. Spara and J.M. Madi

Fetal Pulse Oximetry During Labor: Relationship Between Clear Amniotic Fluid, Thin and Thick Meconium-stained
E. Nunes de Morais, P. El Beitune, P. Spara and J.M. Madi

Effect of Maternal Position on Fetal Oxygen Saturation Measured By Pulse Oximetry During Labor
E. Nunes de Morais, P. Spara, P. El Beitune and J.M. Madi

Effect of Variable Decelerations of FHR on Fetal Oxygen Saturation Measured by Pulse Oximetry During Labor
E. Nunes de Morais, P. Spara, P. El Beitune and J.M. Madi

Fetal Pathology

Comparison Between the Misgav Ladach and Pfannenstiel Incisions in Cesarean Section
A. Aguarón de la Cruz, R. Pérez Fernández-Pacheco, A. Monfort,B. Gónzalez-Garzón, S. Duch, J. De León, L. Ortiz and J. Clavero

Transforming Growth Factor-b2 and Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan in Human CSF, but not Transforming Growth Factor-b1, Correlate with Hydrocephalus in Infants
L.C. Chow, M. Zandian, H. Matundan and R.C. Krueger, Jr.

Classification of 239 Cases of Perinatal Death
T. de Galan, J. Kuijpers, P. van der Straaten and H. Merkus

Incidence of Echogenic Intracardiac Foci in a Hispanic Population
A. de la Vega

Monitoring of Children Newly Born to Mothers Receiving Monotherapy with Lamotrigine During Gestation. Collaborative Experience Between Epilepsy and Neonatology Units
M.C. Diaz-Obregon, M. Domínguez, R. Santiago, H. Bathal, M. Armadá and M. Moro

Placental Calcium Pump: Clinical Based Evidence
J.M. Kasznica and E.B. Petcu

Effect of Dexamethasone on Cerebral Mitochondrial Maturation in the Fetal Rat
A. Nakai, Y. Shibazaki, Y. Taniuchi, H. Asakura, A. Oya, R. Nagano, A. Yokota, T. Koshino and T. Araki

The Survey of Meconium Stained Neonates
N. Najati and E. Olad Saheb Madarek

Multiple Fetal Malformations in a Case of Trisomy 7p15-ter and Monosomy 11q23-ter
M. Orera, R.P. Fernández-Pacheco, R. Linares, M. Angustias Palomar, E. García Poblete, M. Dolores Lillo, M. Soledad Gª Gómez de las Heras and C. Lostau

HGV and HCV Coinfection in Pregnant Women
D.M. Paternoster, D. Snijders, A. Stella, P. Boccagni, G. Palù and A. Floreani

Urinary Ascites with Autodialysis; Perirenal Urinoma; MultipleMegacalyces – Rare Perinatal Pathology of the Urinary Tract
P. Raupp, E. Varady, I. Helin and H. Matta

Developmental Changes in Tolerance to Transient Intrauterine Ischemia on Cerebral Mitochondria in the Fetal Rat
Y. Taniuchi, A. Nakai, R. Nagano, Y. Shibazaki, H. Asakura, A. Oya, A. Yokota, T. Koshino and T. Araki

Iniencephaly: Pertinent of a Case
L. Vegas, M. Garcia, A. Colina, M. Gutierrez, M. Ferreira, A. Carrocci, R. Rios, J. Gaviria, V. Jimenez y col.

Assay for 3-Nitrotyrosine-containing Large Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans in CSF of Human Infants with Hydrocephalus: a Potential Prognostic Marker
M. Zandian, H. Matundan and R.C. Krueger, Jr.

Multiple Pregnancy

Sudden Resolution of Hydramnios in the Recipient Twin Heralds a Poor Prognosis for the Donor in the Twin Transfusion Syndrome
A. de la Vega

Neonatal Complications of Very Low Birth Weight Twins and Singletons from Adolescent Mothers
I. Garcia, L. Garcia, J. Caldera and M. Valcarcel

Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Neonatal Complications and Long Term Outcome
Y. Hennequin, D. Vermeylen, S. Monnier, C. Donner and A. Pardou

Twenty-nine Triplet Pregnancies. Experience of the Division of Maternal-fetal Medicine, Hospital de Santa Maria
M. Lopo Tuna, N. Clode, C. Cardoso and L. Graça

Causes of Recurring Hydramnios After Fetal Death in the Twin Transfusion Syndrome
E. Salicrup, M. Verdiales, R. Burgos and K. Adamsons

Monozygotic Twins. Alteration in Their Duplication
E.R. Sanz, N.A. Aparicio and F.A. Scafatti

Perinatal Asphixia

Erythroblast Count in Newborns Umbilical Vein As a Hematologic Marker for Perinatal Hypoxia
I. Behle, R.C. Carapeto, L.P. Teixeira, L. Lovato, J.C. Dávila and C.C. Costa

Neurological Repercussions of Acute Intrapartum Hypoxia on Newborns
I. de las Cuevas, G. Lobo, J.G. Ullate, R. Arteaga and J.L. Herranz

Auditory Impairment in Asphyxiated Very Preterm Babies Revealed at Term by Maximum Length Sequence Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses
Z.D. Jiang, D.M. Brosi, J. Wang and A.R. Wilkinson

Long-term Augmentation of Free Radical Production in White Matter of Midgestation Fetal Sheep After a Single Global Asphyctic Episode
I. Kjellmer, A. Lindblom, U. Nilsson and C. Mallard

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome and Fetal Acid-base Status at Birth
E. Nunes de Morais, B.S. Porto, A.R. Weinman, P. Spara and J.M. Madi

Pathologic Acidemia in Terms Fetuses Associated with Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
E. Nunes de Morais, P. Spara, S.P.A. Galarreta, G.M. Pozzebon, V.G. Massoni, E.P. Morsch and J.M. Madi

Preeclampsia, Hipertension and Diabetes

C-Reactive Protein and its Potential Involvement in the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia
L. Belo, A. Santos-Silva, L. Pereira Leite, J. Cooney, M. Caslake, A. Quintanilha and I. Rebelo

Relation Between Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Sexual Cohabitation with the Biological Father Before Conception
J. Cabrera and M. Pacheco

Fetal Development Percentiles and Weight of Newborns Born to Mothers Diagnosed Gestational Diabetes
C. Castro M. García, A. Rivas and C. Guerra

Placenta Growth Factor in Healthy and Diabetic Mothers and Their Fetuses
J. Djelmis, M. Ivanisevic, D. Mayer, L. Tuzovic, V. Starcevic and M. Ilijic

Sustained Correction of Maternal Hypovolemia Restores Synthesis of Albumin of a Preeclamptic Patient
V. Fines, C. Briones, A. de la Vega and K. Adamsons

Siamese Twins: Janiceps, Dicephalus, Thoracopagus, Terathodimus: Case Report
M. García, M. Rivas, F. Yeguez and J. Rojas

Hipertensión Inducida por el Embarazo: Revisión de la Clasificación. Una Nueva Propuesta
J. Herrera Lattuf, C. Hernández Castillo, F. Bello Rodríguez, R. Alex Berroterán, A. Téllez Yallonardo y S. Herrera Mendoza

Pro- and Pre-Biotics Administration in Preterm Infants: Colonization and Influence on the Fecal Flora
A. Marini, G. Boehm, F. Negretti, M. Li Destri, D. Clerici-Bagozzi, F. Mosca and M. Agosti

Gestational Diabetes Follow-up
L. Pargana, P. Caetano, J. Lima, C. Barbosa, F. Aleixo, T. Rocha and C. Soares

Treatment of Antithrombin III (ATIII) Concentrate in Pre-eclampsia
M. Paternoster, D. Snijders, P. Simioni, M. Micaglio,
J.K. De Toffoli, A. Girolami and A. Ambrosini

Innate Immunity-mannose Binding Lectin in Early Pregnancy of Mothers with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1-Preliminary Report
M. Pertyńska, M. Cedzyński, P. Lewkowicz, M. Sobczak, A. Świerzko, A. Malinowski, K. Cypryk, J. Wilczyński and H. Tchórzewski

Innate Immunity in Early Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Evaluated by Expression of Neutrophil Adhesion Molecules and Reactive Oxygen Intermediates (ROI) Production
M. Pertyńska, H. Tchórzewski, M. Banasik, P. Lewkowicz, M. Sobczak, K. Cypryk and J. Wilczyński

Treatment and Prophylaxis of Eclampsia with Magnesium Sulfate, Clinical Evaluation of Zuspan Regimen
D. Saldivar, H. Triana, E. Saldivar, A. Guzmán, A. Soria, A. Villarreal, I. Farran and L. Cabero

Intracranial Events Resulting from Treatment of Preeclampsia with Alpha Adrenergic Blocking Agents
E. Salicrup, M. Verdiales, K. Adamsons and A. de la Vega

Hepatic Hematoma and Pregnancy. Review of 24 Cases
X. Sandoval López

Eclampsia Plus HELLP Syndrome, Associated Complications and Risk Factors
X. Sandoval López

The Use of Random Urine Samples for Microalbuminuria in the Second Trimester to Screen for Pre-eclampsia in Diabetic Pregnancies
V. Saucedo, W. Taborda and A.M. Bertini

The Problem of Hypertension Arterialis in Pregnant Women with Diabetes Type 1
M. Sobczak, M. Pertynska and J. Wilczynski

Plasma Albumin Level as an Indicator of Severity of Preeclampsia
I. Talavera, R. Torres, K. Adamsons and A. de la Vega

A Dilatation of the Left Renal Vein in Preeclampsia
N. Tokunaga, H. Oi and N. Kanayama

Pre-term Labor

The Correlation Between Histological Membranitis and Placentitis and the Amniotic Fluid’s Inflamatory Cytokines in Case of Spontaneous Labor with Intact
A. Abadi

Prognosis Factors of Morbidity and Mortality in Very Low Birth Weight
J.E. Asenjo, J. Brenes, N. Pérez, B. de la Hera, M.A. Herráiz and M. Escudero

Could the Perinatal Results Under 1500 G Birth Weight Be Modified By the Delivery Route?
J.E. Asenjo, P. Gasca, J. Ruiz, S. Rabadán, M.A. Herráiz and M. Escudero

Retinopathy of Prematurity: Incidence and Risk Factors
B. Atasay, A. Günlemez, E. Gültan, F. Batuoğlu and S. Arsan

Cervical Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (ph IGFBP-1) in Patients at Increased Risk for Preterm Delivery: Preliminary Results
R.E. Bittar, E. Borges da Fonseca, M.H. Burlacchini, S. Martinelli and M. Zugaib

In Utero Treatment of Fetal Lung Immaturity
E.V. Cosmi

Pharmacologic Treatment of Preterm Labour
E.V. Cosmi

A New Method for the Diagnosis of Fetal Lung Maturity
E.V. Cosmi, R. La Torre, Erich Cosmi and M.M. Anceschi

Uterine Contraction Monitoring in Pregnant Women Using Vaginal Natural Progesterone
E. Fonseca, R. Bittar, M. Carvalho, S. Martinelli and M. Zugaib

Neonatal Outcome and Predictive Factors of Survival in Infants Born at 22-24 Weeks’ Gestation, 1991-2000
S. Hosono, T. Ohno, H. Kimoto, R. Nagoshi, M. Shimizu and M. Nozawa

Preterm Delivery and Antibiotics Administration
S. Milicevic, M. Pervulov, M. Gojnic, T. Saljic, A. Slavkovic, J. Stojnic and N. Radunovic

The Mode of Delivery and Long-Term Outcome of the Neonates Born After Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes
R. Minekawa

Neonatal Consequences of Preterm PROM
C. Nicaise, P. Fagianelli, R. Desbriere, C. Gire, C. Palix, J.M. Dejode and C. d’Ercole

Histologic Study of Chorioamnionitis in Premature Rupture of Membranes
E. Olad Saheb Madarek

Use of Antagonist of the Prostaglandins Associated to a b-Sympathomimetic Agent in the Treatment of Pre-term Labour
R. Ríos-Añez; M. Santos-Luque and M. Noguera

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of TNF-a in Intra-Amniotic Infections
A. Seremak-Mrozikiewicz, K. Drews, E. Chmara, W. Pieńkowski and P.M. Mrozikiewicz

Fetal Fibronectin in the Diagnosis of Preterm Labor
H. Triana, D. Saldivar, N. Contreras, A. Guzmán, A. Soria, I. Farran and L. Cabero

Growth Alterations

The Correlation Between the Concentration of Selenium in the Blood Plasma of the Women in Labour with IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Retardation) and the Newborns (Cord Blood) and the Flow Parameters in the Fetal-Uteroplacental Unit Before the Delivery (Doppler Method)
T. Bielanów, R. Andrzejak, P. Halama, A. Janocha, P.L. Chlosta, M. Maciejewski and T. Fuchs

Short-term Growth in Very-low-birth-Weight Infants. Factors Associated with Growth
E. Burón, P. Oyagüez, M. Mata, P. Bahillo, T. Cantero and J.M. Porro

An Alternative Method for Determining Retarded Intrauterine Growth in Newborns by Means of Bioelectrical Parameters, Using Multivariate Data Analysis
M. Casanova-Román, A. Jiménez, J. Rios, J.M. De Tapia, S. Rico and M. Casanova-Bellido

Classification of Newborns Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis: Validation of Methodology by Linear Discriminant Analysis
M. Casanova-Román, A. Jiménez, J. Rios, J.M. De Tapia, S. Rico and M. Casanova-Bellido

Fetal Hyperinsulinemia Produces Macrosomia in Spite of Progressive Hypoxia
I. Colón, D. Singer and K. Adamsons

The Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy on Fetal Bone Metabolism
N.M. Díaz-Gómez, F. Barroso, I. Clemente, Y. Barrios, E. Cortés, I. Clemente and N.L. González-González

Blood Levels of Insulin Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) in Diabetic Mothers and Their Newborns. Relations with the Regulation of Fetal Growth
N.L. González-González, I. Clemente, F. Barroso, C. Mendoza, E. Padrón and M.N. Díaz-Gómez

Conservative Treatment of Extensive Aplasia Cutis Congenita with "Triple Dye" Applications (Report of 2 cases)
A. Harianto, S.M. Damanik, F. Indarso, R. Etika and E. Sarwono

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Fetal Macrosomia in a Hospital Population
M. Rivero, M.Villalba, G. Hrycuk, D.Vidal and G. Agolti

Cause of Preeclampsia in Patients with Twin Transfusion Syndrome
E. Salicrup and K. Adamsons

Image Study of Adrenal Adenoma in the Context of a Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
R. Santana Delgado, A. Garach, F. Contreras, M.J. Miras, F. Ramírez and E. Narbona

Growth Parameters at Birth and in the Present as Influencing Factors of the Health Attitude of Prematurely Born Infants
M. Vintilă

Ultrasonography and Doppler

Cerebral Blood Flow in Polycythemic Newborn
A. Aranha-Netto and M.A. Brenelli-Vitali

Sonographic Cervical Assessment for the Prediction of Labour Induction
G. Daskalakis, D. Papadopoulos, A. Pilalis, N. Papantoniou, N. Koutsodimas, E. Paraskevas and A. Antsaklis

The Doppler Cerebroplacental Ratio and Perinatal Outcome in Preterm Intrauterine Growth Restriction
M. Ivanisevic, J. Djelmis, D. Pfeifer, A. Mrzljak, D. Mayer and D. Bljajic

Correlation Between Arterial PaCO2 and Cerebral Blood Velocity in Assisted Ventilated Newborns. Evaluation by Doppler Color
J.A. Mercado-Arellano, L. Olivera, M.A. Rivera, I.E. Juárez-Muñoz and H.J. García

Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy

Pentoxifylline in the Treatment of Neonatal Sepsis. Experimental and Clinical Study
N. Badrawi, A.I. El Brairy, M.I. Badawi, S.A. Issa and A.A. El Berri

The Effect of Vibratory Acoustic Stimulation on Fetal Middle Cerebral Artery Impedance and Fetal Heart Rate: Transversal Study on Fetuses Between 26 and 41 Weeks´Gestation
I. Behle, L.P. Teixeira, P. Zielinsky, L. Pellanda and M. Pontremoli

Assessment of Neonatologist Intervention at the Childbirth
J.R. Cervilla, O. Blanco-Barca, J.R. Fernandez Lorenzo, I. Martinez Soto and J.M. Fraga

Neonatal Predictors of Hematopoietic Potential of Umbilical Cord Blood Units
A. Díaz, N.M. Reboredo, J. Cid, J. Cervilla, J.M. Fraga, A. Castro and R.G. Villaescusa

B19 Parvovirus-Induced Fetal Hydrops in a Case of  Twin Pregnancy
O. Graesslin, G. Harika, R. Gabriel, J.P. Bory, F. Grolier, C. Morille and C. Quereux

Congenital Bilateral Retinoblastoma. Early Diagnosis in a Rare Condition
Ch. Karaoli, E. Papamichael, Th. Potamitis, D. Georgioy and Á. Hadjidemetrioy

The Evaluation of Lipid Peroxidation Parameters in Women with Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Pregnancy
A. Karowicz-Bilińska, U. Kowalska-Koprek, M. Grzesiak and P. Sieroszewski

Down Syndrome: New Criterion to Calculate the Risk Based on the Ductus Venosus Doppler Velocimetry
C.G.V. Murta, A.F. Moron and M.A.P. Ávila

Fetoscopy in the Differential Diagnosis of the Fetal Urinary Bladder Tumor – A Case Report
K. Preis and M. Świątkowska-Freund

Severe Neonatal Centronuclear (Myotubular) Myopathy: A Case Report
M.D. Sousa, A. Marques, R. Cancella Abreu,
L. Coelho, A. Bettencourt, O. Nascimento, T. Costa,
M. Valido and A. Guimarães

Unilateral Fetal Hydrothorax Treatment – A Case Report
M. Świątkowska-Freund, K. Preis and K. Ciach

Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance (MRI) in Fetal Diagnosis
H. Werner, P. Daltro, R.C. Domingues, L. Brandão, A. Brandão, L.R. Pereira and F. Guerra

Perinatal Care / Critical Care

National Program on Neonatal Cardiorespiratory Resusitation (NPNCPR). An Interventional Tool to Reduce Infant Mortality (IM)
B. Alfaro, A. Boza, O. Segreda, A. Oviedo, R. González, G. Ureña, H. Sánchez, S. Vásquez, P. Fallas, M. Caro, P. Soto, G. Tunnerman, J. Carvajal, J. Sanabria, et al.

Hemodynamics and Anemia in Premature Infants: How Low Is Too Low?
A.L. Alkalay, S. Galvis, D.A. Ferry and R.C. Krueger, Jr.

Randomized Comparative Trial of Alvofact, Curosurf and Survanta in the Treatment of Infants with RDS
G.D. Baroutis, J. Kaleyias, T. Liarou, E. Papathoma, Z. Hatzistamatiou and C.A. Costalos

Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and TIMP-1 in Lung Fluid of Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SDR)
E. Burón, JA. Garrote, P. Oyagüez, E. Arranz and A. Blanco

Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Hemolytic Disease of Newborn Retrospective Study (6 years)
G. Carvalhosa, A.M. Teixeira, T. Costa and A.M. Valido

Neonatal End-of-life Palliative Care Protocol
A. Catlin and B. Carter

Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Clinical and Evolutionary Aspects in Newborn Admitted to the Neonatal Out-born Intensive Care Unit
M.E.J. Ceccon, M.P. Meluzzi, R. Feferbaum, E.M.A. Diniz, V.L.J. Krebs and F.A.C. Vaz

Effects of Dexamethasone Treatment on Blood Pressure in Preterm Infants with Chronic Lung Disease
C.-Y. Cho, J.-S. Kang, K.-J. Jeong and Y.-Y. Choi

High Hyperprocalcitoninemia in Newborns with Materno-fetal Infections – Report of Four Cases
M. Czyzewska, M. Lachowska, A. Szafranska, D. Paluszynska, A. Baginski and E. Gajewska

Death of a Macrosomic Fetus at 36 Weeks Reinforces the Value of Accelerating Fetal Maturation in Gestational Diabetics
S. Diaz and K. Adamsons

Morbidity and Mortality of Outborn Preterm Infants with Hyaline Membrane Disease Submitted to Surfactant Replacement Therapy
E.M.A Diniz, R.A. Vieira, M.E.J.R. Ceccon, V.L.J. Krebs, M.S. Grassi, M.C.K. Araújo, R. Feferbaum and F.A.C. Vaz

Water Labour and Birth: A Further Way to Delivery
D. Dodero, A. Corticelli, E. Caporale, C. Cardamone, G. Messuti, E. Francescangeli, L. Pedretti and R. Sirito

Neonatal Transitional Care Practice. Current Problems and the Way Forward
H. El-Bashir, Z. Jamal and M. Zbaeda

Procalcitonin (PCT) As a Marker of Materno-fetal Infections in Newborns – Own Experience
E. Gajewska, M. Czyzewska, M. Lachowska, A. Szafranska, D. Paluszynska and E. Terpinska

Neonatal Outcome of Singletons After Assisted Reproduction: A Case-Control Study
E. Garzena, A. Ventriglia, A. Patanella, A. Mammano,
S. Garbarini, A. Simonitti, S. Costa, L. Becchino and C. Fabris

Home Oxygen Status and Rehospitalization and Primary Care Requirements of CLD Infants
A. Greenough

Outcome of Surgical Treatment in VLBW Neonates with Patent Ductus Arteriosus
E. Gulczynska, A. Zjawiona, J. Binikowska and J.J. Moll

Severe Anaemia in Preterm Twins Due to Fetomaternal Haemorrhage
B. Heinzl, B. Resch, B. Urlesberger, A. Frudinger, J. Kutschera, F. Reiterer and W. Mueller

Childbirths in a Modified Midwife Managed Unit: Selection and Transfer According to Intended Place of Delivery
J. Holt, I.N. Vold, B. Backe, M.V. Johansen and P. Øian

Pain Assessment and Analgesic Effect of Fentanyl in Neonates
A. Ibañez, C. Rey, J.L. Sastre, A. Medina, B. Colomer, A. Concha and M. Crespo

Effects of Patent Ductus Arteriosus on Coronary Blood Flow and Left Ventricular Output in Preterm Infants
T. Kasai, S. Shimada, A. Murata, T. Sasaki, W. Sugawara and S. Chida

RSV Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Z. Kokštein, P. Bašek, P. Kalous, H. Vaníček, O. Pozler, V. Štěpánová, E. Pozlerová, J. Horáček, L. Plíšková and L. Pešavová

Crib Score and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality
M.K. Kornacka, I. Czajka, E. Gołębiewska, E. Witkowska, W. Matysiak and J. Tołłoczko

Brain Impair in Necrotizing Enterocolitis
B. Kowalewska-Kantecka and B. Schmidt-Sidor

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) in the VLBWI: Impact in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
G.F. Maffei, M. Rinaldi, G. Popolo, R. Magaldi and G. Rinaldi

Cancer in Pregnancy: A Review of Cases in the Philippine General Hospital from 1998-2000
E.P.M. Malvar-Cornelio, E.S. Uichanco, A.M. Madamba-Burgos, G.H. Cornelio and C.A. Ngelangel

Fluconazole Prophylaxis for Preventing Fungal Systemic Infections in a NICU
P. Manzoni, M.L. Leonessa, D. Farina, G. Gatto, P. Galletto and G. Gomirato

Enhanced Response to Amphotericine B Liposomal Treatment in Newborns Affected by Systemic Candidiasis and Previously Treated with Filgrastim (G-CSF
P. Manzoni, M.L. Leonessa, P. Galletto, D. Farina and G. Gomirato

Nephrocalcinosis in Preterm Infants. Ultrasonic and Clinical Follow-up
J.L. Martínez, S. Hosiasson and H.Villalón

Exogenous Surfactant Distribution in Lungs After Bolus Instillation in a Piglet Model
S. Matsunami, S. Kusuda, T.-J. Kim, E. Ehara, N. Miyagi, T. Koriyama, J. Wakao, H. Nakanishi and K. Bando

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in a Group of Hospitalized Children Under 2 Years of Age with Lrti in Poland in 2000/2001 Season
J. Mazela, J. Wysocki, I. Małecka, J. Pietrzyk, T. Tomasik, K. Piusińska-Zbyszyńska, K. Niewęgłowska, L. Kramer, J. Gadzinowski

Sialyl Tn and Zinc Coproporphyrin-1 As Sero-diagnostic Markers for Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE): Retrospective Analysis of 66 Patients with Established or Potential AFE
H. Oi, H. Kobayashi, N. Tokunaga, T. Kobayashi, N. Kanayama and T. Terao

Hypertrophy of Pyloric Muscle in the Newborns
A. Pappas, A. Lambrou and E. Thani

Birth in Family, an Alternative to the Hospital Delivery
A. Pineda Lloréns, F. García Ros, R. Ros Castro and R. García Ros

Severe Meconium Aspiration Syndrome in Term Newborns. One Year-Experience Using Tracheobronchial Lavage with Dilute Lung Surfactant
R. Prieto, M. Castro, I. Pérez, Y. Sánchez and J. Rosal

Surfactant Replacement Therapy and High Peep Ventilation in a Newborn with ARDS Secondary to Near-drowning
R. Prieto, Y. Sánchez, M. Castro, I. Pérez and M. Rivero

Preterm Rabbits Exposed to Prolonged Hyperoxia as a Model for the Study of Broncopulmonary Dysplasia
R.S.M. Proença, M.M.G.B. Mataloun, M.A.C.B. Gibelli, Y. Okay, F.A.C. Vaz, T. Mauad and C.M. Rebello

Outcome of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
G. Rocha, A. Rocha, C. Teixeira, A. Martins, G. Silva, J. Breda, A. Magalhães, M. Guedes and H. Guimarães

Misoprostol Oral Vs Dinoprostona in Induction of Labor
D. Saldivar, H. Triana, F. Moreno, A. Soria, A. Guzmán, I. Farran and L. Cabero

Virtual Elimination of Postpartum Blood Loss with Propranolol
R. Santiago, V. Fines, C. Briones, P. Santiago and K. Adamsons

Diffuse Alveolar Damage and Chronic Lung Disease
X. Santillán, Ch. Debauche, Ph. Clapuyt and G. Verellen

Safety and Immunogenicity of a Recently Licensed Hepatitis B Vaccine
M. Sarubbi, M. Rocha, M. Ortiz de Zárate, M. Seigelshifer, J. Pomata, A. Benitez, F. Olivetto and M. Larguía

Stepping Into the New Millennium of Developmental Care: The Journey of an Old Unit
M. Sava, K.K. Shearman and J.O. Chan

Positive Effects of Vitamin E Ointment After Application of Sterile Bags for Urine Collection
S. Schena, C. Richelli, C. Pizzini and V. Fanos

Effects of Patent Ductus Arteriosus on Cardiocirculatory Status in Extremely Low-birth-weight Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome
S. Shimada, S. Kasai, A.Hoshi, A. Murata,
S. Miura and S. Chida

Gastroesophageal Reflux and Chronic Lung Disease: Is There a Relationship?
S. Shah, H. Coughtrey and J. Dawson

Efficiency of Palivizumab Prophylaxis: Incidence on Hospitalizations and Visits to the Emergency Room
E. Sole, R. Plasencia, A. Gairi, A. Llusa, G. Capell, J. Garcia, M. Vega, J.J. Marco, P. Martinez and A.R. Goma

Umbilical Catheterization: A New Technique
C. Sousa Rouco

Reduction of the Duration of Induced Labor After Blockade of Myometrial Beta-adrenergic Receptors with Oral Propranolol
R. Torres, P. Santiago and K. Adamsons

Review of Prenatally Diagnosed Neuroblastomas in a Terciary Hospital
M.J. Torres-Valdivieso, V. Barajas, C. Muñoz, M. Pascual, C. Orbea, T. Moral, M. Castro, M.C. Peláez and C. Melero

A Case of Neonatal Diabetes with a Novel Glucokinase Gene Mutation
F. Vagnarelli, C. Magnani, A. Vancini, S. Mariani, G. Banchini, S. Cianfarani and A.T. Hattersley

Immunoprophylaxis with Palivizumab for Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection: Indications for Use and Preliminary Data
F. Vagnarelli, A. Vancini, S. Mariani, C. Magnani and G. Banchini

Ratio of Instrumental Vaginal Delivery and Caesarean Section in Two Different Hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Netherlands
J. van Roosmalen and N. Jovanic

Comparison of Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Neutrophils Count (NC), Platelet Counts (PC) and Ratio of Immature Neutrophils to Total Neutrophils (RI:T) for the Diagnosis of Sepsis in Newborn Infants
A.A. Vieira, M. de Carvalho, M.E.L. Moreira and J.M.A. Lopes

Evaluation of Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
A.A. Vieira, M. de Carvalho, M.E.L. Moreira and J.M.A. Lopes

Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Extremely Preterm Infants < 26 Weeks’ Gestational Age, 1992-1999: A Population-Based Birth Cohort from Nova Scotia, Canada
M. Vincer, A. Allen, D. Sampson, H. Cake, E. Pelausa, D. Stinson and K. Jangaard

Fetal Monitoring by a Novel Non-invasive Device for Measuring Oxygen Saturation
R. Würstlein, A. Hasenburg, M. Bäuerle, D. Watermann, K. Moberg, S. Kleiber, D. Grab and D.G. Kieback

Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury
V.Y.H. Yu

Clinical Evolution of Newborns from HIV Positive Mothers
C.E. Yoshimoto, E.M.A. Diniz, M.E.J. Ceccon and F.A.C. Vaz

Evaluation of the Maternal Risk Factors of Infection by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
C.E. Yoshimoto, E.M.A. Diniz, M.E.J.R. Ceccon and F.A.C. Vaz

Perinatal Factors Influence on Child Growth and Development in the First Year of Life
Z. Zakanj

Body Surface Temperature in Neonates After Delivery
H. Zotter, R. Kerbl, I. Christidis, H. Rosegger, H. Engele and R. Kurz

Telemedicine / Internet

Live Transmission of Pediatric-echocardiograms Over ISDN Telephonic Lines: Present or Future?
A. Rinaldi, D. Troie, M. Chirico, A.M. Di Gianni, M. Rinaldi, G. Maulucci and P. Arciprete

Works Arrived During the Course of Publication

Comparative Study of Doppler Cerebroplacental Ratio, Fetal Cardiotocogram and Liquid Amniotic Volume in Adverse Perinatal Outcome in Fetuses at Risk For Intrauterine Growth Restriction
A. Carrasco, B. Hierro, I. Navarro, E. Moreno,
G. Castillón, T. Martín, G. Fdez-Yuste, P. Matallín,
A. García and J.C. Martínez Escoriza

Influences of Diabetes on Mother and Foetal Bone Metabolism
I. Clemente, N.M. Díaz-Gómez, F. Barroso, E. Cortés,
Y. Barrios and N.L. González-González

Metabolic Profile in Obese Children Born Small for Gestational Age
B.M. Czeszyñska, B. Garanty-Bogacka, M. Walczak and A. Syrenicz

Antibody Anti-Ku. A Rare Case of Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
M. Nogueira, J. Castela, A. Duarte, T. Costa, O. Nascimento, M. Valido, A. Alegria and C. Lobo

Pregnancy in Infertile Patients: Obstetric and Perinatal Results
R. Rodríguez, A. Padilla, N. González, D. Baez, A. Fernández, N. Marques, A. Jiménez, R. Vaca, R. Blanes and J. Alberto

Role of Syndecan 1 on Placental Thromboxane Production
M. Yamaguchi, M. Mibe and T. Ikenoue


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