Reports from the 17th International Congress on THROMBOSIS
Invited reports to Symposia • Free papers

Bologna, Italy, October 26-30, 2002



The 17th International Congress on Thrombosis, promoted by the Mediterranean League on Thromboembolism, took place in Bologna, October 26-30, 2002. While according to our tradition the plenary lectures, the state of the art lectures and the special sessions named "Focus on" have been forwarded for publication to the official Journal of the League, "Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis" (Karger, Basel), we thought to give an opportunity to the Authors of other invited and non-invited reports to see their contribution published, if desired, even if not belonging to one of the typologies pre-selected for publication in the official Journal of the League. Thus, we accepted to endorse the offer of the Publisher Monduzzi Editore, who succeded in collecting a good number of high quality reports, representative of a considerable part of the Congress.

We are thankful to all Authors who answered positively and sent their contribution, thus allowing to achieve a more complete documentation about the 17th International Congress on Thrombosis.


Professor Sergio Coccheri (Bologna)
President of the Mediterranean League on Thromboembolism

Professor Gianfranco Gensini (Florence)
Co-president of the Congress

Professor Gualtiero Palareti (Bologna)
General Secretary

Professor Domenico Prisco (Florence)
Scientific Secretary





Platelet Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis

Invited Reports

Regulation and Role of MAP Kinases in Platelet Activation
M. Pawlowski, S. Roger, A. Habib, A. Ragab, S. Levy-Toledano, JP. Rosa and M. Bryckaert

Wine Polyphenols As Anti-Inflammatory Compounds: A Possible Protection Against Atherothrombosis
R. Estruch, C. Sacanella, E. Antunez, E. Badia, J. Fernandez-Sola, J.M. Nicolas, D. Rotilio, G. De Gaetano and A. Urbano-Márqiez

Free Papers

Use of Propyl Gallate in Monitoring of Antiaggregation Therapy with Asa in Patients with Cardiovascular Syndrome
M. Pecka, J. Gregor, J. Urbankova, J. Pudil and J. Maly

Platelet Activity and Endothelial Function in Unstable Angina Patients with Favorable and Unfavorable Outcomes. Prospective Study
I.V. Voskoboy and A.V. Mazurov

Thrombosis and Cancer

Invited Report

Arterial Thrombotic Syndromes in Cancer Patients
B. Brenner and R. Hoffman

Free Papers

Protein S and C4BP in Cancer Patients
S. Battistelli, M. Stefanoni, M. Belcastro, A. Piccinetti, M. Ranalli and P. Butini

The Prevalence of Prothrombotic Polymorphisms in Cancer Patients
S. Battistelli, M. Stefanoni, G. Vuolo, M. Ranalli and M. Belcastro

Fibrinolysis in Non-metastatic Gastric Cancer
P. Di Micco, A. Niglio, F. Russo, T. Izzo, G. Chirico, P. Iodice, G. Castaldo, M. Romano, R. Torella and B. Di Micco

Signal Transduction Pathways Regulated By AM80 and CD437 in the Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia NB4 Cell Line: Regulation of Apoptosis, Tissue Factor and Thrombomodulin Expression
Ch. López-Pedrera, N. Barbarroja, P. Buendía, G. Dorado and F. Velasco

Pathophysiology of Blood Coagulation and Haemostasis

Free Papers

Patients with Congenital Factor VII Deficiency During Surgery – Our Experiences with Recombinant FVIIa Administration
A. Buliková, M. Penka, M. Šlechtová, J. Vomela, R. Chaloupka and M. Krbec

The Effect of Factor VIIa Inhibition on Clotting and Thrombin Generation in Human Plasma
K. Ĺkesson, J. Algelid and J. Deinum

Attenuated Diurnal Oscillations of Pro-thrombotic Markers in Tetraplegia
P.O. Iversen, P. De Groot, N. Hjeltnes, T.O. Andersen, M.C. Mowinckel and P.M. Sandset

Multiple Orthopaedic Procedures in Hemophiliac Patients
M. Penka, P. Smejkal, A. Buliková, M. Krbec and J. Gumulec


Invited Report

Clinical and Molecular aspects of Rare Coagulation Disorders
A. Ruiz-Sáez, A. Boadas, A. Torres and N. Bosch

Free Papers

Role of Homocysteine in the Pathogenesis of Venous Thrombosis
P. Federico, P. Salomone, A. Panico, G. Acerra, E. Mattera, G. Ragazzino, C. Fasano, E. Madrid and R. del Guercio

Inherited Thrombophilia in Venous Thrombosis at Unusual Sites
A. Coppola, A. Tufano, P. Madonna, D. Coppola, F. Cirillo, E. Cimino, N. Varricchione, A.M. Cerbone and G. Di Minno

Effects of Transdermal Hormone Replacement Therapy on Coagulation and Fibrinolysis System
M.L. Papa, F. Capasso, L. Albolino, L. Pudore, S. Torre, V. Russo, S. Vitale, R. Papa, L. Cerasuolo, M. Tesorone, M. Muzi, F. De Francesco, A. Gregnuoli and D. De Lucia

Plasma Levels of the Soluble Endothelial Protein C Receptor (sEPCR) – A Preliminary Evaluation
B. Woodhams, N. Caron, K. Swindle, M. Grimaux, T. Kaneko, H. Wada, D. Stearns-Kurosawa and S. Kurosawa

Soluble EPCR Shortens Activated Protein C Clotting Time and Contributes to APC Resistance
N. Englyst, D. Stearns-Kurosawa, K. Swindle, C. Byrne and S. Kurosawa

Congenital Defects of the Anticoagulant Mechanism Presenting with Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis
M. Mitsis, M.I. Matsagas, H.V. Ioannou, N. Xeropotamos, C. Katsios, C. Batsis and A.M. Kappas

Methylenetetrahydrofolate and Methionine Synthase Reductase Polymorphisms and Homocysteine Levels
A.C.M. Alessio, J.M. Annichino-Bizzacchi, C.A. Seixas, P.S. Bydlowski, A.P. Vellasco, M.N. Eberlin and N.F. Höehr

Diagnosis and Management of Venous Thromboembolism

Invited Report

Diagnosis and Exclusion of Venous Thromboembolism
J.J. Michiels, H.H.A Kasbergen, H. Hoogsteden and P.M.T. Pattynama

Free Papers

Phisical Methods in the Prophilaxis of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Emiplegic Patients Post Brain Bleendig
G. Lessiani, M. D’Amico, M. Gentili, G. Franzone, C. Di Bernardo and V. Urbani

Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Elective General Surgery: An Operative Protocol
G. Scannapieco, S. Villalta, V. Pagliara, P. Pauletto, P. Prandoni and G. Di Falco

Roper and Rovent Scintigraphic Points in Pulmonary Embolism As a Safe Basis in Out-patient Tinzaparin Therapy
C.-G. Olsson, U. Bitzén, M. Bajc, M.S. Carlsson, J. Elf, K.-Ĺ. Jönsson, P. Magnusson and B. Jonson

Pulmonary Embolism in Children
D. Yilmaz, K. Kavakli, B. Karapinar, C. Balkan, Yaydinok and H. Alper

Pharmacology of New Antithrombotic Agents

Invited Report

New Antithrombins
J.I. Weitz

Free Papers

Anticoagulant Effects of SSR182289, a New Oral Thrombin Inhibitor – In Vitro and Ex Vivo Studies
C. Lunven, C.N. Berry, C. Lecoffre, F. Guilbert, J-P. Herault, J-M. Herbert and S.E. O’Connor

The Oral Bioavailability and Food Interaction of Thrombin Inhibitors
G. Szabó, É. Barabás and S. Bajusz

New Recombinant Thrombolytic and Anithrombotic Agent, Toward Fibrin In Vitro and In Vivo Specificity
J. Szemraj, E. Chabielska, B. Walkowiak, I. Kawecka, G. Janiszewska, A. Prośniak, W. Buczko and J. Bartkowiak

Anticoagulant Treatment in Prevention of Cardioembolism

Invited Reports

Antithrombotic Prophylaxis in Atrial Fibrillation
B. Freestone and G.Y.H. Lip

Antithrombotic Prophylaxis in Valvular Heart Disease and Valve Prostheses
V. Pengo, C. Pegoraro and S. Iliceto

Oral Anticoagulation in Heart Failure
G. Bhatia, R. Davis, M. Sosin and G.Y.H. Lip

Oral Anticoagulants in Coronary and Peripheral Vascular Disease
Steen Elkjćr Husted and Hans Krćmmer Nielsen

Antithrombotic Agents in the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes

Invited Reports

Efficacy of Meloxicam a Preferential COX-2 Inhibitor in Coronary Syndromes without ST-Segment Elevation. Athero-inflammation the Starting Point
R. Altman, H.L. Luciardi, J. Muntaner and C. Gonzalez

Oral Anticoagulants for Ischemic Heart Disease
F.W.A. Verheugt

Novel Thrombolytic Agents for Acute MI
F. Andreotti, E. De Marco, A.G. Rebuzzi and F. Crea

Recent Advances on Thrombolytic Therapy For Acute Myocardial Infarction
A. Hatzizacharias

Antithrombotic Agents in Conjunction with Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction
A. Salvioni

Atherothrombosis: Cerebrovascular and Peripheral

Invited Reports

Stroke Guidelines: The Dutch Experience
C. Franke

The CoCaLis Document: Management of Coronary (Co) and Carotid (Ca) Artery Disease in Patients with Limb Ischaemia (Lis)
D.L. Clement, H. Boccalon, J. Dormandy, I. Durand-Zaleski, G. Fowkes, L. Norgren, P.-F. Plouin and T. Brown

The Cardiovascular Risk Burden of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
S. Novo and G. Coppola

Free Papers

Cellular and Humoral Immune Response in Patients with Carotid Stenosis
E. Ortona, E. Profumo, A. Siracusano, P. Margutti, F. Delunardo, C. Esposito, R. Capoano, A. Costanzo, A. Carra, D. Snarska, B. Salvati and R. Riganň

Leukocyte and Platelet Activation By Prosthetic Vascular Grafts
G. Pennings, J. Fletcher and H. Medbury

Mechanisms of Fibrinolysis Impairment Among Dyslipidaemic Subjects
L. Puccetti, A. Leo, A.L. Pasqui, M. Pastorelli, G. Bova, A. Palazzuoli, A. Auteri and F. Bruni

Isolated Systolic Hypertension and Pulse Pressure Are Associated with Haemostasis Disturbances in Patients with Essential Hypertension
A. Hatzizacharias, Th. Makris, P. Krespi, P. Margos, D. Papadopoulos, C. Tsoukala, T. Mandalaki and V. Votteas

Control of Anticoagulant Treatment

Invited Reports

The First Anticoagulation Clinic in France: Organisation, Promises and Difficulties
B. Boneu, P. Léger, J.P. Cambus and H. Boccalon

European Concerted Action on Anticoagulation (ECAA). Proposed Scheme for Normalisation and Standardisation of Home PT Monitors (CoaguChek and TAS Systems)
L. Poller

Monitoring of Heparin Therapy in Cardiac Surgery
D. Prisco, R. Paniccia and I. Betti

Free Papers

Home Automated Telemanagement in Patients on Anticoagulation Therapy
J. Finkelstein, R. Khare and J. Ansell

Critical Evaluation of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy (OAT) in a Cardiology Outpatients Clinic in Patients Over 70 Years of Age. Review of Our Experience at the Azienda USL della Cittŕ di Bologna and Current Indications To OAT
F. Naccarella, G. Lepera, G. Premuda, S. Sdringola Maranga, A. Bartoletti, G. Spinelli, S. Pazzaglia, P. Bertaccini, M. Ugliola, S. Rubini, M. Amovilli, S. Quadrelli and G. Arpesella

Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Nadroparine versus Subcutaneous Calciparine While Reaching Adequate Levels of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy (OAT). Review of the Actual Role of LMWH in Cardiology
F. Naccarella, G. Lepera, G. Premuda, S. Sdringola Maranga, A. Bartoletti, G. Spinelli, S. Pazzaglia, P. Bertaccini, M. Ugliola, S. Rubini, M. Amovilli, S. Quadrelli and G. Arpesella




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