12th European Congress of Neurosurgery - (EANS)
Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-12, 2003

Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division Home Page

The Proceedings of the
12th European Congress of Neurosurgery - (EANS)
have been published.

to read the Proceedings Table of Contents.

As we have received several requests of publication from authors who did not have sufficient time to prepare their work, we have decided to publish an APPENDIX  to the Proceedings shortly after the congress.
It will contain the extended texts of the works presented at the congress and will be sent to Current Contents, published by ISI, Philadelphia, USA, to be indexed. All of our Proceedings have been indexed, providing researchers with easy and accurate access to our authors' works.

To read a letter of Prof. Victor Gonçalves, President of  the Congress,

Click Here

Articles to be included in the publication must be submitted  through our website. Please click

to go to the upload section of our site. In this page you will find detailed writing instructions.


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