Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress
MDIC 2004

Corfu', Greece, June 22-26, 2004






It is a great honor to be able to present you this volume of Proceedings of the Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress 2004.
The Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress 2004 was organized by an International Organizing and Scientific Committee where colleagues from countries around Mediterranean are participating, contributing greatly to the purposes of this international come-together. I would like to thank them once more for their efforts.
The Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress 2004 took place in Corfu. The purpose of this congress is the exchange of scientific knowledge and experience between the colleagues who are interested in implant dentistry, coming not only from countries around the Mediterranean Sea, but also from all over the world.
These proceedings present a small part of the scientific reports presented at the Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress 2004, which took place in Corfu/Greece from 22nd to 26th June 2004. Papers are printed in alphabetical order according to the first author’s surname.
A very wide spectrum within implant dentistry is highlighted in excellent contributions, raging from epithetic reconstruction, the role of implants in orthodontic treatment, transition from teeth to implants, alveolar distruction, condition of periimplant bone, piezosurgery, immediate and early loading, digital volume tomography (DVT) and results after using the osteotome technique. We are very grateful to all those who submitted their scientific contribution to be printed in this volume of proceedings. With their effort they made possible the publication of this book.
This book will be read by those who participated at the congress but would also be invaluable to any colleague who would like to be informed with the latest development in implant dentistry.
It is a pleasure to extend my sincere thanks to all contributors and the publishing company “Medimond-Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division” who made this book possible.

Pantelis Nic. Bochlogyros
President MDIC 2004



Epithetic Reconstruction: Implant in Transplant Fixation
R. Bschorer, A. Rathjen, St. Otten, K. Goppold, C. Brockmann and S. Sehhati-Chafai-Leuwer

Application of Laser in Periodontology: Microbiological Evaluation with PCR-Real-Time
G.L. Caccianiga, A. Baldini, M. Baldoni and G. Tredici

Oral Implants in Orthodontic Treatment
G.L. Caccianiga, L. Baldini, A. Baldini and M. Baldoni

Transition from Teeth to Implants in Patients with Hopeless Dentition
L. Cordaro, F. Torsello, C. Rossini and V. Mirisola di Torresanto

Alveolar Distraction in Preprosthetic Surgery
A. Dini, A. Stricker, N.C. Gellrich, R. Schmelzeisen and A. Schramm

Piezosurgery – A New Tool in Oral Implantology
P. Koulocheris, N.C. Gellrich, K.H. Bormann, N. Sakkas, A. Dini, R. Schmelzeisen and A. Schramm

Evaluation of Periimplant Bone Resorption After Alveolar Ridge Augmentation Via Distraction Osteogenesis
S. Koy, J. Rheinländer, T. Brüning and U. Eckelt

Immediate and Early Load Full Arch Cases: A Clinical Perspective
G. Pegios

The use of Digital Volume Tomography (DVT) in Oral Implantology
N. Sakkas, A. Schramm, P. Koulocheris, J. Düker and R. Schmelzeisen

Single Osseointegrated Dental Implants and Immediate Non-functional Loading: A 6- To 24 Months Follow-up Study of 49 Titanium Implants
A. Tsirlis, A. Veis, N. Maroufidis and N. Parissis

Evaluation of Implant Placement Between the Mandibular Canal and the Buccal Cortical Bone Using the Osteotome Technique: Measurements of Edentulous Mandible from Computed Tomography Images
H. Yamasaki, K. Yamamoto, K. Okamatsu, M. Uchimura, Y. Nagashima, M. Morita, H. Kido and M. Matsuura

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