6th European Congress of  Trauma and Emergency Surgery – EATES

 (September 9-12, 2004, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)






Invited Lectures

Aortic Dissection, a Vascular Emergency!
J.A. Bekkers, J.J.M. Takkenberg and A.J.J.C. Bogers

Urban Trauma Transport – No Need for Medical Personnel at All?
P.E. Fishman and C.C. Branas

Impact of Intra-abdominal Pressure on the Outcome of Traumatised Patients
M. Carlucci, M.L. Boella, A.F. Mereu, V. Tomajer and C. Staudacher

Sex Steroids/Receptor Antagonists Restore Depressed Immune and Cardiovascular Responses Following Trauma-Hemorrhage
I.H. Chaudry, M. Angele, M. Wichmann, R. Zellweger, M. Knoferl, C. Schneider, D. Remmers, Y. Mizushima, D. Jarrar, J. Kuebler, B. Toth, Y. Yokoyama, T. Shimizu, T.S.A. Samy, S. Yang, M.G. Schwacha, M.A. Choudhry, W.J. Hubbard, L.W. Rue and K.I. Bland

Immune Responses Following Trauma-Hemorrhage
I.H. Chaudry, R. Zellweger, M. Angele, M. Wichmann,
M. Knoferl, C. Schneider, B. Toth, Y. Yokoyama, T. Shimizu, T.S.A. Samy, M.G. Schwacha, M.A. Choudhry, W.J. Hubbard, L.W. Rue and K.I. Bland

Antimicrobial Activity of Interferon-g Involved in Impaired T-cell Function
K. Schroecksnadel, K. Pellegrin, C. Winkler and D. Fuchs

Modulation of the Hypermetabolic Response to Burns
D.N. Herndon and C.T. Pereira

Abdominal Stab Wounds, When Not To Operate?
A. Leppäniemi

Megatrends in Trauma
A. Leppäniemi

Trauma and Emergency General Surgery: A Marriage Made in Heaven
A. Leppäniemi

Severe Acute Pancreatitis, Is There a Role for the Surgeon?
A. Leppäniemi



Free Papers

Effect of Pulmonary Contusion on Severe Head Injury Mortality in Multi-trauma Patients
M. Athanasiou, D. Xroni, P. Rafailidis, N. Kampagiannis,
I. Alamanos and Ch. Apostolakos

Non-operative Management in Hemodynamically Stable Patients with Abdominal Gunshot Wounds
H.R. van den Berg, S.G. Lere and T. Tadros

Ankle Arthrodesis: Clinical Results Using Internal Fixation
P. Broos and S. Speybrouck

Total Hip Replacement for Acetabular Fracture
P. Broos, B. Vanderheyden,
A. Van den broeck and R. van Wensen

The Role of Arthroplasty in the Treatment of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures
P. Broos and A. Sermon

Emergency Endovascular Treatment for Traumatic Rupture of the Descending Thoracic Aorta
P. Castelli, R. Caronno, G. Piffaretti, M. Tozzi,
D. Laganà and G. Carrafiello

Emergency Endovascular Treatment for Peripheral Arterial Trauma
P. Castelli, R. Caronno, G. Piffaretti,
M. Tozzi, M. Carnini, G. Guzzardi,
C. Lomazzi, D. Laganà and G. Carrafiello

Occult Pneumothorax. An Often Missed Entity After Blunt Thoracic Trauma
G. Georgiou, A. Kabouris, F. Kodonas, S. Dimitriadis, Z. Akritidis, G. Konstantinou and A. Chiotis

Exchange Shoulder Arthroplasty Using Inverse Implants
A. Katzer, A. Ince, K. Seemann and J.F. Loehr

Minimal Invasive Surgery for Calcaneal Fractures
T. Schepers, G.D.J. van Olden, A.Z. Ginai and T. Tadros

Intravenous Device Feasible for Controlled Cooling and Rewarming of Individuals with Abnormal Body Core Temperature
A. Struijs, F. De Ruiter, A. Weijerse, J. Klein and A.J.J.C. Bogers

Combined Fractures of Femoral Shaft and Proximal or Distal Part: Classification and Treatment By Intramedullary Nailing
S.A. Syggelos, E. Athanaselis, D. Giannikas, G. Kasimatis and E. Lambiris

Urgent Appendectomy in Case of Situs Inversus Totalis - Case Report
Z. Djordjievski and R. Gelevski

CT Scanning in Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Is It a Valid Indication for Laparotomy?
H. Frizis, A. Papadopoulos, G. Akritidis, H.-Renee Frizis and G. Hatzitheoharis

Analysis of 632 Traumatizes Patients in the 1999 Marmara Earthquake
M. Kalemoglu, O. Keskin and D. Ersanli

Analysis of Work Place Injuries at Teaching Hospital Emergency Services
M. Kalemoglu, S. Demirbas and D. Ersanli

Our Experience with Whiplash Vertigo Syndrome in Cervical Spine Injuries: Clinical Points and Pathophysiology
Ch. Matzaroglou, E. Panagiotopoulos, G. Kasimatis, J. Gliatis and E. Lambiris

Retrograde Ender’s Nailing for Fractures of Paediatric Shaft Femur
K. Patel, A. Kapoor, N. Modi and R. Daveshwar



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