3rd European Congress on Emergency Medicine – EM – European Society for Emergency Medicine

February 9-13, 2005, Leuven, Belgium





Invited Lectures

The Golden Hour and the Diamond Minutes in the Trauma Emergency Room; Organisation and the use of Radiological Modalities
P.J. Bode

Hypothermia After Ischemic Stroke – An Overview
R. Kollmar and S. Schwab

Hyperbaric Oxygen for CO Poisoning: When and How Much?
M. Mathieu-Nolf and D. Mathieu

Diagnostic Markers of Heart Disease
P. Ray and Y. Lefort

Management of Adults Acute Asthma in the Emergency Department
P. Ray and Y. Lefort

The Role of Simulation on Teaching in Emergency Medcine
F.L. Rutten

Future Developments in Integrating Emergency Medical Care

Ethics and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Newborns
P.J. Van Reempts

Urgent Management and Therapeutic Algorithms
V. Vécsei and T. Nau

Should an Emergency Department (ED) Be Adapted to Children?
Y. Waisman

EM in the setting of a Closed Center for Illegals
D. Wynsberghe



Free Papers

Acute Pancreatitis Following Naproxen Intake
S.G. Aygencel, B. Akbuga and A. Keles

Retrospective Evaluation of Genitourinary Trauma in Emergency Medicine
G. Çetin, Ö. Tomruk, M. Avcil, H.H. Armagan and T.A. Serel

A Noninvasive Hypothermia and Re-warming System
W.J. Ohley, R.B. Schock, M. Cote and R. Freedman

Dangeres of Head Injuries at Fractures of the Skull Base
M. Popovic and B. Klun

Does Mobile Intensive Care Unit Affect Outcome from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest?
A. Sipria, V. Novak, A. Veber, A. Popov,
V. Reinhard and A. Kőrgvee

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