10th Congress of Asian Federation of Coloproctology

Controversies in colorectal Surgery

(March 24-26, 2005, Singapore)




Coloproctology has taken the world by storm. Everywhere around the world, trainees are flocking to train in this specialty. But just ten to twenty years ago, even doctors would not know what a coloproctologist is. Now, however, even members of the public are asking for trained coloproctologist to treat them.
The reason for this change is simpler than many people realize.
Colorectal surgeons are the friendliest people in the surgical world. We are the people that can talk shop and yet include the whole family and other friends with ease. No one is too high nor is any too low. After all, we face shit daily in our work. So the first reason for this great migration towards coloproctology is that we are friendly.
The other thing I have noticed is that colorectal surgeons are so willing to teach and exchange their knowledge with each other. This passing on of tips and tricks helps the whole fraternity to progress and advance. We are not of those that hold back a trick or two. We share all for the betterment of the specialty and for the sake of mankind. The second reason is that colorectal surgeons are willing to share their skill and knowledge.
I also sit on the editorial boards of at least six international colorectal journals and read and review a lot of papers each year. I can tell you this: Colorectal surgery is one of the fastest developing specialty in the world. The advances come in at an incredible rate. The third reason then is the great achievements of colorectal surgeons.
These were the reasons for the conference in Singapore. More than 500 friendly people came together to share the latest knowledge in the field of our specialty. For those who did not attend and for those who would like to have a reminder of all that knowledge that was shared, enjoy this book.

Dr Francis Seow-Choen
Director, Seow-Choen Colorectal Centre PLC
President, 10th Congress, Asian Federation of Coloproctology, Singapore



Invited Lectures

Outcome of TME for Cure. Standardization of Surgery and Quality Control or Adjuvant Radiotherapy
H.E. Myrvold

Ultra-low Anterior Resection with Upper Sphincter Excision (USE) for Low-lying Rectal Cancer
J.-G. Park

Complicated Colonic Diverticular Disease in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
J.Y. Wang, C.C. Chin, C.Y. Yeh and H.H. Chen


Free Papers

Number of Lymph Nodes Retrieved and Reliability in Nodal Staging in Stage II Colorectal Carcinoma
HJ. Choi, KJ. Park and MS. Roh

Intensity of Tumor Budding as an Index for Malignancy Potential in Invasive Colorectal Carcinoma
HJ. Choi, KJ. Park, MS. Roh and HC. Kwon

Colorectal Cancer: Lessons from a Five Year Study of Post-operative Mortality
M.D. Evans, A. Harris, G.A. Pritchard, J.D. Stamatakis and S.S. Karandikar

Prospective Randomized Clinical Study on the Necessity of Chemical Cleaning in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
T. Horie, M. Ishizuka, K. Takagi, H. Nagata and K. Kubota

Quantitative PCR Evaluation of PPAR Gamma and Delta for Colorectal Cancer Reflects Clinicopathological Malignancy
M. Ishizuka, T. Sawada, T. Okada, H. Nagata, K. Takagi,
T. Horie, A. Abe, M. Furihata and K. Kubota

Randomized Clinical Trial of Hemorroidectomy Under a Local Anesthesia After Pentothal Induction versus Spinal Anesthesia
C.H. Kang, S.W. Lee1, S.H. Shin, S.G. Jeong, J.P. Choi and H.K. Yang

Prediction of the Effect on Chemotherapy for the Colorectal Carcinoma by the Classification of CEA Changing Rate
H. Kato, T. Sakamoto, R. Yamada, K. Watanabe and S. Haga

Analysis to the Families with Familiar Adenomatous Polyposis In Tianjin, China
M. Luo, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, P. Zhang, X. Jiang, D. Ma, R. Suo and L. Zhao

Liaison-Consultation in the Medical Care of Children with Fecal Dysfunction
S. Nagata, S. Funakosi, J. Hayashi, T. Kamiyama, T. Ueno, T. Ishii, S. Amae, S. Yoshida, Y. Hayashi and H. Matsuoka

Modified Parks Procedure to Treat Low Rectal Cancer 6-7 cm from Anal Verge
Soerjanto Soedarno

Anastomotic Leakage Is Predictive of Poor Survival After Curative Resection for Colorectal Cancer
K. Takagi, H. Nagata, T. Horie, M. Ishizuka and K. Kubota

Sphincter Preserving Operation for Very Low Rectal Cancer: Short Term Outcome of Intersphincteric Resection
T. Tokoro, K. Okuno, J. Hida, E. Ishimaru, T. Uchida, T. Yoshifuji, T. Matsuzaki, M. Yasutomi and H. Shiozaki

Changes in Bowel Habits Following Transanal and Transvaginal Rectocele Repair
S. Tsujinaka

Adequate Selection of Fluoropyrimidines for Colorectal Cancer
H. Usuki, S. Akamoto, T. Sugiyama,

M. Yamane, S. Yachida, K. Okano, K. Izuishi, H. Wakabayashi and H. Maeta

Analysis to the Families with Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer in Tianjin, China
J. Wang, M. Luo, Z. Zhang, P. Zhang, X. Jiang, D. Ma, R. Suo and L. Zhao

Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) for Rectal Tumor Excision
S. Yoshitani, M. Kuroda, M. Yokoi, Y. Tanaka and S. Takashima

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