3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine – ISPRM

(April 10-15, 2005, São Paulo, Brazil)




The 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – ISPRM will reflect the evolving tradition of our organization and the expectation of the physician. We shall have the opportunity to hear from doctors and scientists who are internationally acclaimed as the most qualified to speak about the tremendous advances taking place in the treatment and care of people with disability.
At the same time, they will help us look to the future as we reach new technologies for the prevention and treatment of the most frequent conditions in our speciality.
We received around one thousand scientific abstracts, and most of these were accepted for oral and poster presentation.
Although in general papers presented orally are those that achieved the highest rank, examinators’ consensus, homogeneity of the topic and author’s preference regarding type of presentation were other criteria for the allotment of papers to oral or poster presentation.
Thank you for your contribution to our Scientific Program.

Linamara Rizzo Battistella, MD, PhD
3rd World Congress of the ISPRM
International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine







 MEDIMOND s.r.l. - Via Verdi, 15/1 - 40067 Pianoro (BO) Italy