Coolum, Queensland, Australia,
September 11-14, 2005

Craniofacial Surgery 11

Proceedings of the Eleventh  International Congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery

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It was with great pleasure that I welcomed the participants to the XIth International Congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery which was held in Coolum, Queensland, Australia on September 11th – 14th, 2005. This was the first time the Congress had been held in Australia and indeed first time in the Southern Hemisphere. Coolum was chosen as an ideal venue to show Australian hospitality as well as our beautiful beaches and diverse flora and fauna. No visit to Australia would be complete without seeing a kangaroo or hearing the dawn chorus from the kookaburra.
This year’s meeting began on a sorrowful note with the announcement of the passing of our friend and colleague, the secretary-treasurer of the ISCFS, Cassio Raposo do Amaral. I would like to acknowledge his contribution to both the ISCFS and to the world of craniofacial surgery.
At the Coolum meeting we welcomed 224 registrants from 26 different countries, encompassing every major continent. The scientific program covered the categories of science, neurosurgery, orthodontics, aesthetic and orthognathic surgery, craniosynostoses, clefts, trauma, speech and psychology. The papers in these proceedings are published in the order that they were presented, along with the posters. There were many high quality papers and I would like to congratulate the participants on their contributions and for the animated discussions they provoked. The purpose of this gathering was to review what we are doing, how and why we do it and to discuss how to make improvements at both the organizational and scientific levels. I believe we have made significant advances.
I have also published my presidential report in these proceedings. In that report I wished to communicate some views I have on the history of craniofacial surgery, the founding and development of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, parallels between the development of technique and of the organizational structure of this society, some comments about the new millennium and beyond and a report to you on my activities and the activities of your organization in the past two years. I wished to draw your attention to the six principles of delivery of health care to the facially deformed which have emerged from our deliberations and to make a few comments about the future.
My sincere thanks to all who attended the Congress; I am sure that for some of our Northern Hemisphere colleagues traveling to Australia seemed like traveling to the ends of the earth. We hope that you found the experience to be worthwhile. I would also like to thank our sponsors; many of whom have supported us over numerous Congresses.



Achieving Excellence in Craniofacial Surgery
K.E. Salyer

The 2003 Tessier Lecture
M.T. Longaker

Chapter I - Research

Gene Expression of Proteins Involved in Early Phase Bone Regeneration Is Reduced in Aged Rats
M.E. Skourtis, X. Gong, W. Ozaki and S.R. Winn

Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell (AMSC) Bone Generation in a Canine Craniotomy Model
K.E. Salyer, C.R. Barcelo, M. Kramer, D.G. Genecov and L.A. Opperman

Abstract: Tissue Engineering in Craniofacial Bone Regeneration using Gene Engineered Autologous Bone Marrow Mensenchymal Stem Cells
S. Chia Ning Chang, H. Chuang, Y.R. Chen, J.K. Chen, H.-Y. Chung, Y.-L. Iiu, H.-Y. Lin,
C.-L. Tai and J. Lou


A Comparison of Inlay Vs. Onlay Bone Graft Dynamics in the Craniofacial Skeleton
S. Buchman, A. Rosenthal and W. Ozaki

Equivalent Tooth Eruption Is Seen Between rhBMP-4 Gene Therapy and Autografting in a New Juvenile Canine Model
J. Chen, S. Winn, X. Gong and W. Ozaki

Biocompatibility of Norian CRS and Resorbable Fixation Systems in Critical Sized Cranial Defects: Long-term Results in an Adult Animal Model
F.R. Graewe, D.D. Genecov, R. Barcelo, M. Kremer, L. Opperman, A. Amada, R. Agarwal and K.E. Salyer

Abstract: Measuring Pulsatile Forces Acting on the Human Cranium
C.S. Goldberg, C.S. Goldberg and J.A. Fialkov


Attending to Families: Do Clinical Services Meet Patient Needs? An Audit of UK Clinical Services
D. Hearst, M. Knapp, J. Middleton, J. Reed and K. Saunders

Subpopulations of Patients with Frontonasal Dysplasia
D.W. Day, K.E. Salyer and J.A. Fearon

Speech and Language Characteristics of Children with Pfeiffer Syndrome Type 2 and 3
C. Shipster, T. Sirimanna, D. Hearst, S.L. Lap, B. Gillespie, R. Evans and R. Hayward

Abstract: Saethre-Chotzen syndrome and deletions of TWIST
I.M. de Heer, A.J.M. Hoogeboom, B. Eussen, C. Vermeij-Keers, J.M. Vaandrager and A. de Klein


New Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Deformational Plagiocephaly
S.P. Beals, E.F. Joganic, K.H. Manwaring, H.L. Rekate, J.K. Pomatto,
J.C. Cherney and T.R. Littlefield

3-Dimensional CT Assessment of Craniofacial Deformity in Patients with Uncorrected Congenital Muscular Torticollis
C.C. YU, F.H. WONG, L.J. LO and Y.-R. CHEN

Environment vs. Genetics: A Study of Family Head Shape
J.K. Pomatto, T.R. Littlefield, J.C. Cherney and S.P. Beals

Abstract: The Significance of Torticollis in Deformational Posterior Plagiocephaly
G.F. Rogers and J.B. Mulliken


Cell Yield, Proliferation, Post-expansion Differentiation Capacity and Growth Factor Responsiveness of Human Ear, Nasal and Rib Chondrocytes
A. Tay,, J. Farhadi, R. Suetterlin, M. Heberer, G. Pierer and I. Martin

Tissue Engineered Human Auricular Chondrocytes and Its Clinical Application for Cranio-Facial Deformities
K. Imai, H. Yanaga, A. Yamada, T. Nomachi, T. Fujimoto and S. Miyamoto




Chapter II - Distraction Osteogenesis

Quadruple Internal Distraction with Monobloc Advancement: Experience with 20 Cases
E. Arnaud, D. Marchac and D. Renier

Long Term Follow-up: Report of 17 Cases of Craniosynostosis
C.M. Raposo do Amaral, C.L. Buzzo, T. Rinco, M.A.C. Bueno, L.A.B. Turchiari and C.E. Raposo do Amaral

Intracranial Volume Measurements After Fronto-orbital Advancement Using Gradual Distraction in Patients with Non-syndromic or Syndromic Craniosynostosis
T. Fujimoto, K. Imai, H. Komune, T. Nomachi, M. Fujii, H. Sakamoto and S. Kitano

Abstract: Monobloc advancement: Reduced morbidity with distraction osteogenesis
P. Taub, J.P. Bradley, P. Benhaim and H. Kawamoto

Abstract: Midface Advancement with External Distraction Osteogenesis: Technique and Analysis
J.W. Polley, A.A. Figueroa, D.F. Gomez, G.J. Kouris and S.J.V. Theodorou

Abstract: Monobloc Distraction Osteogenesis in Infants and Young Children. Functional Outcomes
D.J. Dunaway, B.M. Jones, R.D. Evans, R.D. Hayward, D. Mowatt, V. Pierera, S. Leighton and K.K. Nischall


Further Experiences in Midfacial Advancement without Maxillary Osteotomy
P. Pellerin, N. Capon-Desgardin, P. Dhellemmes and M. Vinchon

Precise Three Dimensional Control of Mid-facial Distraction at the LeFort III Level
R.J. Havlik and R. Hathaway


Abstract: Long-term Evaluation of Mandibular Growth Following Distraction Osteogenesis
J.N. Jensen, J.G. McCarthy and B.H. Grayson

Abstract: Maxillary Stability After Distraction Osteogenesis (DO) in Cleft Patients with Rigid External Distraction
A.A. Figueroa, J.W. Polley, H. Friede and E. Ko

Abstract: Skeletal and speech alterations after maxillary distraction osteogenesis by RED in cleft patients
P.K.T. Chen, C.-C. Yu , Y.-R. Chen, E.J.W. Liou and D.C.S. Huang

Abstract: Finite-element analysis and visualization of changes following maxillary distraction osteogenesis
P.E. Santiago, G.D. Singh, R.A. Dietrich, M.A. Yanez, L.M. Reyes, J.W. Polley and A.A. Figueroa


Microdistraction of Pre-osteoblasts: Proliferation, Differentiation, and Favorable Morphological Change
M. Askari, K. Azari, K. O’Hara, J.O. Hollinger and J.P. Bradley

Endothelial Progenitor Cell Trafficking in Distraction Osteogenesis in the Activation and Consolidation Phases
C.L. Cetrulo, Jr., R.L. Ashinoff, D.J. Ceradini, M. Dobryanski, J.M. Capla, K.A. Bhatt,
R.D. Galiano, J.N. Jensen, J.P. Levine, G.C. Gurtner and J.G. McCarthy

Gene Therapy with Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 in Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
R.L. Ashinoff, R.D. Galiano, C.L. Cetrulo Jr., M. Dobryansky, K.A. Bhatt,
J. Michaels V, D. Ceradini, J.P. Levine, G.C. Gurtner and J.G. McCarthy

Abstract: The Positive Effect of LIPUS on Rapid Mandibular Distraction
P. Stephens, K. Andersen, M.P. Gianoutsos and W. R. Walsh


Spring-Mediated Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
M. Mofid

Correction of Upper Airway Obstruction in the Newborn with Internal Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
J.P. Bradley, K. Izadi, R. Yellon, D. Mandell and K. O’Hara

Single-Stage Resorbable Bone Distraction: A New Class of Devices
J.K. Williams, F.D. Burstein and R. Hudgins


To Distract or Not to Distract: an Algorithm for Airway Management in Isolated Pierre Robin Sequence
A.K. Gosain, R.B. Schaefer and J.A. Stadler III

Management of Upper Airway and Feeding Difficulties in Infants with Pierre Robin Sequence Using Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
A.J. Abdollahzadeh and A.A. Rozzelle

Avoiding Tracheostomy in Neonates with Severe Micrognathia Using Modified Osteotomy & Positioning of the Internal Mandibular Distraction Device
V.K. Singhal

Distraction Osteogenesis for Treatment of Mandibular Airway Obstruction Syndrome
D.G. Genecov, K.E. Salyer, E.R. Genecov, C.R. Barcelo and Y.-C. Por

Abstract: Deglutition Gastroesophageal Reflux and Apnea in Pierre Robin Corrected by Distraction
F. Ortiz Monasterio and F. Berlanga

Abstract: Outcome Analysis of Distraction in Infants with Pierre Robin Sequence
C.R. Volpe and C.A. Vander Kolk


Influence of Distraction Osteogenesis in Mandibular Hypoplasia on the Facial Development in the Growing Age
C. Klein

Abstract: Modification of the Distraction Technique in the Severely Hypoplastic Mandibular Ramus
J.G. McCarthy, B.H. Grayson, J.N. Jensen and M. Eski

Abstract: Midface Distraction at the Lefort I Level: The Role of Rapid Distraction, Callus Bending, and Rigid Internal Fixation




Chapter III - Craniosynostosis

Analysis of Frontofacial Growth in Patients with FGFR3Pro250Arg Mutation
J.K. Wu, B.L. Padwa and J.B. Mulliken

Abstract: Microfocal Computer Tomography Examination of Mouse Cranial Sutures In Situ
R.F. Recinos, R.B. Schaefer, C. Hanger, C. Dawson and A.K. Gosain

Abstract: Craniofacial dysostosis – a clinical management algorithm
B.M. Jones, D. Dunaway, R. Evans and R. Hayward


“How Low Can You Go?” Severe Falls in Cerebral Perfusion Pressure in Children with Complex Craniosynostosis
R. Hayward, S. Gonsalez, D. Mowatt and B. Jones

VP-Shunt Induced Bone Resorption after Craniofacial Remodeling
C.R. Barcelo, K.E. Salyer,
D.G. Genecov and K. Shapiro

Abstract: The Correlation Between Non-syndromic Craniosynostosis and Chiari I Malformations
T.X. Hahm, C.R. Volpe, D. Foer,
B. Robertson and C.A. Vander Kolk


Surgical Management of Multiple Suture Synostosis: Using Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Craniectomies
C. Barone, D. Jimenez, L. Baker and C. Cartwright

Minimally Invasive Spring Mediated Cranioplasty for Craniosynostosis
L. David, S. Glazier and L. Argenta

Abstract: Endoscopic vs. Open Craniosynostosis Reconstructive Techniques: A Retrospective Comparison of Efficacy
E.J. Stelnicki and L. Rodriguez

Abstract: Comparison of Early Extended Strip Craniectomy (ESC) Versus Total Cranial Vault Reshaping (TCV) in Sagittal Synostosis: CT and Clinical Assessment
J.R. Marcus, B.P. Rechner, P. Dirks, J. Rutka, J. Drake, R. Humphreys, J. Phillips and C.R. Forrest


Long-term Follow- up: Report of 7 Cases of Unilateral Coronal Synostosis
C.E. Raposo do Amaral, P.H. Facchina Nunes, C.L. Buzzo, V.L.A. Raposo do Amaral and C. Raposo do Amaral

Abstract: Complications Following the Surgical Management of Non-Syndromic Unicoronal Synostosis In Infancy
C.R. Forrest, P. Dirks, R. P. Humphreys, J. Drake and J.T. Rutka


Measurements of Electrical and Magnetic Brain Activity Help Detecting Brain Dysfunctions in Children with Craniosynostoses
J. Hukki, M. Huotilainen, J. Öhman, E. Kushnerenko, A. Shestakova and R. Näätänen

Body Dysmorphic Disorder among Patients Undergoing Aesthetic Surgery of the Craniofacial Skeleton
D. Sarwer, L. Whitaker and S. Bartlett

New Insights in the Mechanisms of Craniosysnostosis

Abstract: Cognitive and Behavioral Function in Non-syndromic Craniosynostosis
D. Becker, J. Dayne Petersen,
A.A. Kane, T. Pilgram, M.M. Cradock,
J.M. Gurley and J.L. Marsh




Chapter IV- Alloplastic Materials

The Use of Hydroxyappatite Cement in Craniofacial Reconstruction: Experience in 130 Patients
F.D. Burstein, J.K. Williams, S. Cohen, R. Hudgins, W. Boydston and A. Reisner

Hydroxyapatite Cement Cranioplasty in the Pediatric Population
B. Beber, J.H. Phillips and C.R. Forrest

Evaluation of the Results of 98 Cranioplasties Using Methyl Methacrylate Implants
D. Marchac and A. Greensmith

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) As a Bone Substitute in Craniofacial Surgery
G. Maltese, P. Tarnow, R. Olsson and C. Lauritzen



Chapter V - Aesthetic Surgery of the Craniofacial Skeleton

Reduction Malarplasty without External Incision: A Simple Technique
C. Mahatumarat and N. Rojvachiranonda

Quantitative Analysis of Postoperative Growth of the Anterior Cranial Vault and Cranial Base in Syndromal Synostoses
J. Kolar and K. Salyer

Blood Replacement Reducing Allogenic Transfusions in Pediatric Cranial Vault Surgery: A Prospective Analysis Utilizing Blood Recycling
J. Fearon

Efficacy of Aprotinin in Children Undergoing Craniofacial Surgery
K. Muraszko, C.C. C’Errico, S. Buchman, H.M. Munro and D. wagner




Chapter VI - Tumors and Related Congenital Anomalies

Abstract: Lingual Reduction in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
J.L. Marsh and L.M. Grames

Abstract: Effect of Partial Glossectomy on Dentofacial Development in Patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
B.L. Padwa, J. Beltran, J.B. Mulliken and M. August


Coverage of the Exposed Cranial Base
S.A. Wolfe, R. Ghurani, K. El-Musa, G. Morrison and J. Ragheb

Keystone Approach for Intra-Cranial Nasofrontal Dermoid Sinuses
J.A. van Aalst and R.J. Havlik


Abstract: Duplication of Stomatodeal Structures Report of Six Cases with Literature Review
C.-H. Lin, Y.-R. Chen and P.K.T. Chen

Abstract: Diagnosis, Management and Outcome of Craniofacial Teratomas
R. Hopper, J. Gruss, J. Perkins, R. Ellenbogen and M. Cunningham

Teratomas of the Craniofacial Region
P.J. Anderson and D.J. David

Abstract: Definitive One Stage Correction of Severe Aplasia Cutis Congnita in the Neonatal Period
J.S. Gruss, A.R. Muzaffar and R.G. Ellenbogen

Composite Osseo-fascial Free Tissue Transfer: A New Approach to Total Internal Nasal Reconstruction
D. O’Donovan, J. Fialkov, P. Binhammer and O. Antonyshyn

Useful Initiatives in the Surgical Treatment of Cranio-Orbito-Temporal Neurofibromatosis
M. Kelly, G. Franchi, N. Waterhouse and D. Krastinova

Computer Generated HTR Implants for Orbital Neurofibromatosis
M. Sadove, J. Kalsbeck and B. Eppley




Chapter VII - Trauma

Long-term Consequences of Fractures of the Pediatric Craniofacial Skeleton
D. Singh and S. Bartlett

Nasofrontal Duct Management in the Surgery of a Craniofacial Junction
S. Kyutoku, S. Kurooka, Y. Tomino and K. Kawakami

Frontal Sinus Fracture Outcomes: A Ten Year Review
A. Armour, J.G. Mainprize, J. Fialkov, C. Forrest,
J. Phillips and O. Antonyshyn

Functional Outcomes of Post-traumatic Enophthalmos Correction
R. Grover, N. Nijhiwan, A. Budning and O. Antonyshyn

Does Surgical Correction of Enopthalmus Require Overcorrection?
M. Musgrave, O. Antonyshyn and M. Pahuta

Treatment of Mandibular Angle Fractures with a Matrix Miniplate: A Preliminary Report
J. Feledy, E.J. Caterson, S. Steger, S. Stal and L. Hollier




Chapter VIII - Facial Clefts, Encephalocele, and Other Anomalies

Hemifacial Microssomia: 105 Cases in 7 Years
R. da Silva Freitas, A.E. Contin Mansur, N. Alonso, L. Busato and G. Azor de Oliveira e Cruz

The Long-term Results in Hemifacial Microsomia
D.J. David

Clinical and Radiologic Findings in Five Patients with the Rare Tessier Number Nine Cleft
D. Goldenberg, N. Alonso, H. Friedhofer, E. Bastos, F. Saito and M. Ferreira

Surgical Treatment of Facial Cleft N# 4. Experience in 14 Cases
N. Alonso, R. Freitas, D. Goldenberg, E. Bastos, G. Cruz and M. Ferreira


Transfacial Approach and Anthropometric Surgical Reconstruction for Frontoethmoidal Meningoencephaloceles
A. Fuente Del Campo and A. Escanero Salazar

Associated Brain Anomalies in the Frontoethmoidal Encephalomeningocele
N. Rojvachiranonda, S. Lerdlum, C. Mahatumarat, C. Taecholarn and J. Yanotai




Chapter IX - Other Facial Anomalies

Abstract: Circular Splitting of the Mandible – Surgical Technique and Indications
J.A. Obwegeser

Abstract: Bilateral Temporomandibular joint ankylosis: long term functional results after autogenous reconstruction
Y.-R. Chen, V. Dhawan, C.-S. Hwang,
E.W.-C. Ko, P.K.T. Chen and L.-J. Lo

Abstract: Anatomy of the Temporal Hollow: The Superficial Temporal Fat Pad
S. Kim and D. Matic

Abstract: Hard and Soft Tissue Virtual Surgery (VISU) Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery
A. Bianchi, C. Marchetti, M. Bassi, R. Gori and U. Albisinni

Abstract: Facial Asymmetry and Hemifacial Hyperplasia




Chapter X - Craniopagus Twins Panel

Separation of Craniopagus Twins. The Johns Hopkins Experience
C.R. Dufresne and B.S. Carson

Abstract: The Separation Craniopagus Twins




Chapter XI - Other Papers not Presented

Microarray Analysis Comparing Juvenile and Adult Dura Mater
O.O. Aalami, K.D. Fong, R.P. Nacamuli, T.D. Fang, H.M. Song, D.E. Sahar, K.A. Lenton, C.M. Cowan, J.T. Chi and M.T. Longaker

Establishment of a Young-versus-Adult Mouse Calvarial Defect Model
O.O. Aalami, R.P. Nacamuli, K.D. Fong, T.D. Fang, H.M. Song, D.E. Sahar, K.A. Lenton, C.M. Cowan and M.T. Longaker

Metopic Craniosynostosis: Treatment Using Endoscopic Techniques
C. Barone, D. Jimenez, L. Baker and C. Cartwright

Endoscopic Anatomy of the Orbital Floor and Newly Described Orbito-Maxillary Strut
M. Bromwich, C. Moore, T. Wallace and D. Matic

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Homing in Distraction Osteogenesis: Promise for Ex Vivo Expansion Therapy and Gene-delivery Vehicles
C.L. Cetrulo, Jr., D.J. Ceradini, R.L. Ashinoff, M. Dobryanski, K.A. Bhatt, J. Michaels V, J.N. Jensen, R.D. Galiano, J.P. Levine, G.C. Gurtner and J.G. McCarthy

Long Term Follow-up: 22 Cases of Hypertelorbitsm
C.L. Costa Pereira, M. Guidi, A.R. Clemente, T. Rinco, L.R. Martinhão Souto,
L.A. Athayde Cardoso and C. Raposo do Amaral

FGF-2 Form and Receptor Production Correlate with Osteoblast Maturity
C. Cowan, N. Quarto and M.T. Longaker

Angiogenesis During Distraction Osteogenesis
T.D. Fang, W. Xia, R.P. Nacamuli, H.M. Song, K.D. Fong, J.A. Mathy,
Y.Y. Shi and M.T. Longaker

A Mouse Model of Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
T.D. Fang, R.P. Nacamuli, H.M. Song, R. Thomas, K.D. Fong, O.O. Aalami and M.T. Longaker

The Osteogenic Antagonist BMP-3 is Down-Regulated During Programmed Suture Fusion in the Rat
K.D. Fong, R.P. Nacamuli, K. Lenton, T.D. Fang, H.M. Song, A. Salim, Y.-Y. Shi, O.O. Aalami and M.T. Longaker

Mechanical Strain Effects on Dura Mater Biology: Implications for Understanding Immature Calvarial Healing
K.D. Fong, S.M. Warren, E.G. Loboa, J.H. Henderson, T.D. Fang, R.P. Nacamuli, D.R. Carter and M.T. Longaker

Apoptosis in a Rat Model of Cranial Suture Fusion
K.D. Fong, H.M. Song, R.P. Nacamuli, B. Franc, T.D. Fang, A. Salim, C. Contag, F. Blankenburg and M.T. Longaker

Calvarial Osteoblast Response to Mechanical Tensile Strain
K.D. Fong, E.G. Loboa, R.P. Nacamuli, H.M. Song, T.D. Fang, A. Salim, Y.-Y. Shi and M.T. Longaker

Microfocal CT: A Method for Evaluating Murine Cranial Sutures In-Situ
R.F. Recinos, C.C. Hanger, R.B. Schaefer, C.A. Dawson and A.K. Gosain

A 12-Year Experience with Surgical Correction for Craniosynostosis at a Single University Center
J. Jack, H. Vasconez and B. Fink

Early Relapse of Mandibular Asymmetry During Consolidation Period in Distraction
S. Kim, W.J. Kim, J.C. Kim and C.G. Park

Vectorial Planning of Craniofacial Bone Distraction with the RED System
N. Alonso, D. Goldenberg, D. Lima, P. Camara and M. Ferreira

A New Three-dimensional Imaging System for Evaluation and Treatment of Plagiocephaly
T.R. Littlefield, J.K. Pomatto, S.P. Beals, K.M. Kelly and J.C. Cherney1

Comparison of Plaster Casting Versus 3D Imaging for Treatment of Plagiocephaly
T.R. Littlefield, J.K. Pomatto, S.P. Beals, K.M. Kelly and J.C. Cherney

Genome-wide Expression Analysis of Fetal Skin Development: Implications for Scarless Healing
R. Yun, W. Kong, R. Faudoa, W. Xia, M.T. Longaker and H.P. Lorenz

Use of Porous of Polyethylene (Medpor ®) Biomaterial in Cranial and Facial Reconstruction
A. Madaree, E. Siolo, W.M.M. Morris, P. McGarr, S. Simango and M. Daya

African Method of Stereolithography for Cranial Vault Reconstruction
A. Madaree, W.M.M. Morris, P.A.J.Le Roux and P. Furber

FGF-2 Stimulation Affects Calvarial Osteoblast Biology: Analysis of Nine Genes Important for Cranial Suture Biology
J.A. Mathy, K. Lenton, A. Salim, R.P. Nacamuli, K.D. Fong, H.M. Song, T.D. Fang,
G.P. Yang and M.T. Longaker

Midface Distraction in an Adult Patient with Crouzon Syndrome
K. Matsumoto, H. Nakanishi, K. Koutsu, M. Okazaki and K. Moriyama

The Use of Laser Data Acquisition Systems in the Treatment of Scaphocephaly
R.M. Menard and J. Welsh

Temporal Variations in Mechanical Stimuli during Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
E.F. Morgan, E.G. Loboa, T.D. Fang, M.T. Longaker and D.R. Carter

Starfish Craniectomy: An Alternative Approach for Cranial Reshaping
A.S. Murthy, S. Gargasz and M.G. Parker

In Situ Analysis of Osteogenic Differentiation in Mouse Cranial Sutures
R.P. Nacamuli, K.D. Fong, S.M. Warren, T.D. Fang, H.M. Song, A. Salim, J.A. Helms and M.T. Longaker

Microarray Analysis of Regional Patterning of Suture-Specific Dura Mater
R.P. Nacamuli, H.M. Song, T.D. Fang, K.D. Fong, O.O. Aalami, A. Salim,
D.E. Sahar, J.T. Chi and M.T. Longaker

Feminization of the Chin: A Review of 485 Consecutive Cases
D.K. Ousterhout

Development of the Craniofacial Model Library
C. Perlyn, R. Hagan, R. Schmelzer, A. Kane, D. Govier, A. Christensen and J. Marsh

Uncommon Branchial Arch Sequelae: No Tongue, No Ear, Severe Micrognathia – How Can Effective Communication and Oral Feeding Occur?
M.E. Rosser

Cranial Suture Fate in an In Vitro Organ Culture Model
D.E. Sahar, H.M. Song, K.D. Fong, R.P. Nacamuli, S.M. Warren,
J.A. Mathy, T.D. Fang, O. Aalami and M.T. Longaker

Hypoxia and Anoxia Induce Different Metabolic and Growth Factor Responses in Osteoblasts
A. Salim, R.P. Nacamuli,
K.D. Fong, Y.Y. Shi, A.J. Giaccia and M.T. Longaker

Gene Expression of TGF-b1 and FGFR2 in Mouse Calvarial Tissues Using Real Time RT-PCR
R.B. Schaefer, R.F. Recinos, M. Agresti and A.K. Gosain

Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Effects of Aging on Multipotency
Y.-Y. Shi, R.P. Nacamuli, A. Salim, K.D. Fong, H.M. Song, T.D. Fang,
C.M. Cowan and M.T. Longaker

Analysis of de novo Bone Formation by Dura-derived TGF-b Signaling
H.M. Song, R.P. Nacamuli, K.D. Fong, T.D. Fang, O.A. Aalami,
S.M. Warren and M.T. Longaker

Retinoic Acid-mediated Effects on Calvarial Osteoblast Differentiation and Proliferation: Implications for Retinoic Acid-induced Craniofacial Abnormalities
H.M. Song, R.P. Nacamuli, W. Xia, S. Bari, K.D. Fong, T.D. Fang, Y.-Y. Shi, S.M. Warren and M.T. Longaker

Fibroblast Growth Factor Decreases Msx-2, Releasing a Cellular Brake on Mineralization in Calvarial Osteoblasts
J. Spector, J.A. Mathy, R.P. Nacamuli, S.M. Warren, K.D. Fong, A. Salim, T.D. Fang, H.M. Song and M.T. Longaker

Poly (D, L,) Lactide Implants in Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery: Experience with a New Form of Resorbable Fixation
R.J. Wood, C Shell and J.A. Petronio

Fabrication of Bone/Cartilage Graft to Augment Facial Bones: Surgical Planning with Life-size Model and Silicon Impression
A. Yamada, K. Imai, S. Nagata, R. Shibazaki and K.E. Salyer


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