XV Congress of the International Society for  Gynecologic Endoscopy – ISGE

(March 29 – April 1, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina)





Dear colleagues,
Once a year ISGE summons highly educated specialists from all over the world, allowing us to show the final check of high technology, and letting us adjust to the tuning of gynecological endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery.
This volume contains official records of the “XV Annual Congress of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy” that was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 29th - April 1st 2006, under the main theme “Setting up new trends in gynecological endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery”.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the International and National Scientific Committees for their invaluable cooperation towards the organization of a magnificent scientific program of a high academic level. A special acknowledgement to the authors for their intelectual generosity and effort to provide us with papers of such hierarchy.

Roberto J. Sainz, Peter Maher, Harry Reich






Invited Lectures

Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LASH)
B. Bojahr, D. Raatz, G. Schonleber and C. Abri

Laparoscopic Surgeons! Please Don’t Forget! The Evil Twins in the Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Endometriosis vs. Interstitial Cystitis
M.K. Chung and C. Jennings

LAVH – The Manipuseal Technique, a Simple Solution
M. East

Myoma – Recurrence After Myomectomy
M. East

Is There a Place For Reconstructive Fertility Surgery on The Era of IVF?
V. Gomel

Pain and Quality of Life for the Endometriosis Patient
L. Hummelshoj

The Role and Limitations of Medical Therapies in the Management of Endometriosis Associated Pain – Setting Realistic Expectations
L. Hummelshoj

Nurse Support in Preparing for and Recovering from Endometriosis Surgery
L. Hummelshoj and E. Johnson

Hysterectomy – Review of Surgical Techniques
P. Jadoul, J. Squifflet, M. Smets, O. Donnez and J. Donnez

Ectopic Pregnancy: Laparoscopic Surgery in Bleeding Patients
N. Kabli and T. Tulandi

Telementoring Network in Japan
T. Matsumoto

Training for Laparoscopic Surgery on Simulators – Value and Outcome
L. Mettler, N.F. Zuberi and Th. Schollmeyer

The Treatment of Adnexal Masses
C. Miller

Treatment of Uterine Leiomyomata
C. Miller and M. Zinger

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
L. Montevecchi

Hysteroscopy and Fluid Management
L. Montevecchi

Clinical Value of Serum Biochemical Inspection on Hysteroscopic Electrosurgery
E. Xia

Study on Safety of Transcervical Resection of Big Intracavitary Fibroids
– Analysis of 70 Cases
E. Xia



Free Papers

Early Detection of Endometrial Cancer and Its Precursor Lesions in High Risk Patients with Microhysteroscopy Using Our Classification Based On the Degree of Hysteroscopic Suspicion
J.E. Dotto, B. Lema, J.E. Dotto, Jr and J. Hamou

Gynaecological Causes and Management of Hemoperitoneum: A 5-Year Retrospective Study in a University Gynecology Hospital
A.N. Kontoravdis, I.K. Karlaftis, A.N. Papakonstantinou, E.K. Deligeorgoglou, D.S. Botsis and G.K. Creatsas

Cystocele Repair UtilizingAnterior Wall Mesh Graft Placed Via Double Trans-Obturator Approach (Perigee™ System)
R.D. Moore and J.R. Miklos

Transobturator Sling: Combined Analysis of 1 Year Follow-Up in 9 Countries with 266 Patients
R.D. Moore, J.R. Miklos, M. Cervigni, W. Davila, G. Mellier and B. Jacquetin

Double Teratoma on the Same Ovary
F. Osório, A. Setúbal, C. Acosta, Z. Sidiroupoulos and E. Roberto

Laparoscopic Rescue of an Intrauterine Device Located Inside an Intra-Peritoneal Abscess
F. Osório, A. Setúbal, C. Acosta, Z. Sidiroupoulos and E. Roberto

Laparoscopic Management of Tubeovarian Abscesses Coexisting with Endometriotic Ovarian Cysts
A. Kontoravdis, I. Grammatikakis, V. Tziortzioti, M. Creatsa, N. Kontoravdis and D. Botsis

Tubal Ligation under Local Anesthesia and Conscious Sedation by Microlaparoscopy
W. Pereira Modotte


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