7th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis

(March 13-17, 2007, Munich, Germany)



This volume contains numerous free communications that have been presented during the 7th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis – TSIS 2007 – which was held in Munich/Germany from Tuesday, March 13th until Saturday March 17th, 2007. The central program complex of TSIS 2007 is entitled “Interdisciplinary Summit on Inflammation”.

The last few years have seen a revolution in our understanding of inflammation – of how blood and tissue cells interact and of the intracellular mechanisms controlling their activation. This has not only provided multiple targets for potential antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory therapy, but has also revealed the underlying inflammatory pathology of so many diseases. Thus, during TSIS 2007, all major disease entities, in which inflammatory processes play a central role, were presented.

Initiators and drivers of acute inflammation - mechanical and burn trauma, shock and reperfusion injury, transplantation, infection and sepsis - were widely discussed in numerous symposia. But also and very importantly the biologic conditions of subclinical chronic inflammatory diseases - metabolic syndrome, diabetes, atherosclerosis, autoimmunity (vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease), neuropathies and Alzheimer’s disease - were comparatively analyzed.

The most complex conference program comprises around 850 contributions, distributed in more than 100 Symposia and Free Communication Sessions.

Finally, on behalf of the scientific committee I would like to thank the publisher of this proceedings volume - Medimond Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division - for their interest, support and work in preparation of this issue.

Eugen Faist, M.D., FACS
Professor of Surgery
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Clinical Center Campus Grosshadem -
Congress Chairman of the Scientific Committee



Synergistic Effect of Ethanol and Shock Insults on Gut Cytokine Production and Barrier Dysfunction
P. Amin, L. Diebel and D. Liberati

Analysis of Systemic Interleukin-17 (IL-17) After Severe Injury
D. Bogdanski, T.M. Frangen, C. Schinkel, G. Muhr and M. Köller

Depletion of Regulatory T-cells to Amplify in vitro Responses of Nickel-specific T-cells
O. Bremm, T. Habijan, S.A. Esenwein, G. Muhr and M. Köller

Fast-track Surgery of Recurrent Pneumothorax in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis – Superiority of Minimally Invasive Tissue Management (ATSS)
R.T. Carbon, B. Reingruber, H.P. Hümmer and S. Kriegelstein

Innovative Surgical Management of NEC – Results of 52 Consecutive Cases
R.T. Carbon, B. Reingruber, S. Baar, S. Kriegelstein and M. Schroth

17b-Estradiol on Secondary Damage after SCI
S. Cuzzocrea, T. Genovese, E. Mazzon, E. Esposito, R. Di Paola, C. Muià, C. Crisafulli, E. Cuzzocrea, P. Bramanti and I.H. Chaudry

Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3b Inhibition Attenuates the Development of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury of the Gut
S. Cuzzocrea, E. Mazzon, E. Esposito, C. Muià, M. Abdelrahman, R. Di Paola, C. Crisafulli, P. Bramanti, E. Cuzzocrea and C. Thiemermann

Resuscitation with Fresh Whole Blood Reduces Complement Activation Associated with Hemorrhage in Swine
M. Dubick, T. Bentley, D. Cameron, D. Prince and J. Sondeen

Letal Pneumonia By Streptococcus Pyogenes One Year After Pancreas-Kidney-Transplantation
N. Ertas, A. Wunsch, P. Schenker, O. Vonend, M. Kraus, S. Gatermann, R. Viebahn and M. Schäffer

Splanchnic Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury Is Reduced by Genetic or Pharmacological Inhibition of TNF-a
E. Esposito, E. Mazzon, C. Muià, R. Meli, E. Sessa, E. Cuzzocrea and S. Cuzzocrea

Is Secondary Surgery After Polytrauma Reflected by Altered Systemic Cytokine Response?
T.M. Frangen, D. Bogdanski, C. Schinkel, G. Muhr and M. Köller

Blood Transfusion Exceeding 175 Units in 24 Hours in a Patient with Postpartum Haemorrhage. World’s First. ICU, Prince of Wales Hospitals, Sydney, Australia
R.K Hariharan and T.R Solano

The Blood Soluble E-Selectin increase in Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and treatment of the Sivelestat Sodium, a Selective Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitor decrease the Blood Soluble E-Selectin
T. Kobayashi

Prevention of SIRS-related Loss of Cardiac Function by Means of the Leukocyte Inhibition Module (LIM), an Extracorporeal Immune Therapy Device
T. Lögters, S. Margraf, T. Aybek, I. Francischetti, J.-B. Moreno, J. Altrichter, J. Windolf and M. Scholz

Design of a Selected Single-point Mutated HMGB1 Box A Variant as Therapeutic Agent in HMGB1 and RAGE Related Pathologies
C. Lorenzetto, D. Barone, G. Borrelly, L. Drittanti, T. Guyon, S. Morena, C. Oderda, K. Odrzywol, S. Traversa and S. Fumero

Eosinophils Induce DC Maturation, Regulating Immunity
R. Lotfi, R.A. DeMarco, J. Steitz and M.T. Lotze

Etanercept Attenuates the Development of Cerulein-induced Acute Pancreatitis in Mice. A Comparison with TNF-a Genetic Deletion
G. Malleo, E. Mazzon, T. Genovese, R. Di Paola, C. Muià, E. Cuzzocrea, A.K. Siriwardena and S. Cuzzocrea

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
R. Marciniak, A. Szkaradkiewicz, A. Wasilewska, I. Chudzicka-Struga³a and M. Drews

Neutrophil-derived Cell-free DNA (CF-DNA), a Novel Potential Immediate Early Marker in Damage Control, Correlates with Severity of Injury and May Predict Sirs
S. Margraf, T. Lögters, J. Altrichter, M. Scholz, A. Moritz and J. Windolf

Tissue Oxygen Saturation Predicts the Development of Organ Failure During Traumatic Shock Resuscitation
F.A. Moore

Hsp70 Export from Tumour Cells – A Danger Signal for the Innate Immune System
G. Multhoff and A.G. Pockley

High Density Expression Profiling Reveals Pronounced Matrix and Signal Transduction Gene Expression Induced By Fibrin Glue Treatment in Human Gastric Ulcers
T. Pohle, J.C. Becker and W. Domschke

Bursting Pressure, Vascular Integrity and Collagen Content of Sutured and Glued Colorectal Anastomoses in the Rat Model
H. Rieger, M. Kruschewski, F. Khalilullah, H.J. Buhr and U. Pohlen

Analysis of Systemic Interleukin-18 in Multiple Injured Patients
B. Roetman, M. Wick, C. Schinkel, G. Muhr and M. Köller

Possible Role of VEGF and Nitric Oxide in Rapamycin-Impaired Wound Healing
M. Schäffer, R. Schier, S. Michalski, M. Napirei, T. Traska, P. Schenker and R. Viebahn

Pneumonitis Associated with Sirolimus: Clinical Characteristics, Risk Factors and Outcome
P. Schenker, S.M. Weiner, O. Vonend, M. Flecken, L.C. Rump, R. Viebahn and M. Schäffer

Impact of Perioperative Immunonutrition and Standard Enteral Feeding on Immunologic Response After Major Pancreatic Surgery
R. S³otwiñski, W.L. Olszewski, M. S³odkowski, G. Lech, G. Gulak, M. Zaleska, M. Kopacz and I.W. Krasnodêbski

Therapeutic Effect of an AT III Preparation on Patients with DIC and a High Risk for Developing ARDS
Hiroyasu Suga, Takao Nakagawa, Yukihiro Soga, Masaru Abe, Haruki Takahashi, Yoshizumi Deguchi, Noboru Akizuki, Takashi Kobayashi, Junko Tanimoto, Takahiro Terada, Masataka Ishikawa, Tadashi Suzuki and Kenji Okajima

A Unique Kupffer Cell Receptor System: Involvement in Colorectal Cancer Metastasis to the Liver
P. Thomas, G. Ivanov, O. Adejuyigbe, M. Reiter, R.A. Forse and O. Bajenova

Site-specific DNA-binding Ability of HNF4a is Modified by Injury
Z. Wang, N. Kaseje, L. D’Addese and PA. Burke

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