8th World Congress for Microcirculation

(August 15-19, 2007
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)





The microcirculation consists of the smallest blood vessels that have a vital role in maintaining the normal function of all the organs of the body by supplying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste products. In addition, the ability of the microcirculation to grow new blood vessels is crucial in allowing the recovery of vital organs following disastrous events such as stroke and heart attack. Because of its strategic location and importance in maintaining normal organ function, the microcirculation is crucial in both the development and the treatment of many diseases. For example, microvascular dysfunction plays a pivotal role in the organ damage and other pathological consequences of diabetes. Impaired function of the small arteries immediately upstream from the microcirculation is a major factor contributing to the elevated vascular resistance that is a common denominator in virtually all forms of hypertension. In addition, abnormal function and/or loss of the smaller arterioles and capillaries (microvascular rarefaction) not only contributes to elevated vascular resistance in hypertension, but may be even more important in jeopardizing tissue perfusion and organ function under conditions of circulatory stress in hypertensive individuals. Breakdown of normal microcirculatory function also plays a crucial role triggering the multiple organ failure that eventually leads to irreversible shock and circulatory collapse in trauma and infection. Finally, the microcirculation is the pathway by which various forms of cancer spread throughout the body from their point of origin. As such, a variety of therapeutic approaches have been developed that are designed to prevent the development of microvessels in tumors, in order to prevent their growth and metastasis.

Historically, microcirculatory research has been a fertile developing ground for highly advanced methodology to study vascular regulation, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow in small vessels. Another strong historical component of microcirculatory research has been the application of sophisticated techniques of mathematical modeling to understand microvascular function. In this respect, the computational biology approaches that are becoming increasingly popular in a variety of different fields of biology and medicine have been a major factor in increasing our understanding of microvascular function, and continue to prove their usefulness. In recent times, microcirculatory research has embraced modern techniques of cell and molecular biology, systems biology, and physiological genomics in order to increase our understanding of the vital role of the microcirculation in maintaining normal physiological function. The combination of these newly emerging techniques with the sophisticated methodological and computational approaches and whole-animal integrative approaches that have formed the backbone of classical microcirculatory research provide a powerful and integrated understanding of physiological function that is impossible to obtain with approaches employing cellular and molecular biological techniques in isolation.

The 8th World Congress for Microcirculation attracted delegates from 6 continents and 30 countries to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to share their knowledge on new methodologies, experimental models, and instrumentation that is used to investigate the function of the microcirculation in health and disease; and to report the latest scientific findings relevant to the function of the microcirculation in health and disease. Sixteen different microcirculatory societies from throughout the World contributed to the scientific content of the 8th World Congress, providing an unparalleled opportunity to foster communication among microcirculatory researchers and between microcirculatory researchers and investigators in other areas of vascular biology. The World Congress also provided an opportunity to foster communication between physicians and basic scientists regarding the importance of the microcirculation in various diseases and to promote an increased understanding of the role of the microcirculation as a therapeutic target for the treatment of disease. The contents of this volume provide a sampling of microvascular research in many of the crucial areas of vascular research mentioned above, including vascular structure and development, vascular regulation, computational biology of the microcirculation, and translational physiology of the microcirculation. The inescapable conclusion from the scientific presentations and interactions at the 8th World Congress for Microcirculation is that microvascular research, in all its forms, will remain a powerful tool for understanding normal physiological function and a wide variety of disease processes, and that this area of research will continue to be an exciting and rewarding field of study for young investigators and established scientists alike.

Julian H. Lombard, Ph.D.
Chair-8th World Congress for Microcirculation
Department of Physiology
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226 USA






Vascular Biology of the Microcirculation


Reactive Oxygen Species and Altered Cell Signaling in Aging
W. Dröge

Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels in Renal Resistance Vessels
P.B. Hansen, B.L. Jensen, U.G. Friis, D. Andreasen, T.R. Uhrenholt and O. Skřtt

Role of Ca Channel Subtype in the Renal Microcirculation with Special References to Kidney Injury
K. Hayashi, S. Wakino, K. Homma, N. Sugano and H. Itoh

Discovery and Significance of Shear Stress Dependent Regulation of Vascular Resistance
A. Koller and G. Kaley

Buffering Effects of Nitric Oxide on Low-Frequency Variability in Arterial Pressure Oscillations
N. Iida and S. Ryumae

Differential Expression of bFGF in Brain and Cardiac Capillary Endothelial Cells
S. Lecht, C. Förster, I. Krilovetzky, C. Marcinkiewicz P.I. Lelkes and P. Lazarovici

Age-Related Alterations in nNOS-Dependent Reactivity of Cerebral Arterioles
D. Arrick and W. Mayhan

Covalent Complex of eNOS In Vivo
Y. Chen, M.A. Raza, M. Medhora and E.R. Jacobs

Changes in Skin Microcirculatory Dynamics by Percutaneous Application of Carbon Dioxide
Y. Nagashima, H. Mori, M. Suzuki, H. Yokomichi, Y. Yada, S. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, K. Sasaki and S. Oh-ishi

Morphology of Sympathetic t-PA Transport
Z. Hao, X. Jiang, R.E. Cone, S. Dufour and J. O’Rourke


Computational Biology of the Microcirculation


Multiscale Modeling of Cardiac Cellular Energetics
J.B. Bassingthwaighte and B.E. Carlson

Simulation of Blood Glucose Regulation and Anti-Diabetic Drug Action In Vivo: The Kobe Model
M. Fukushima, Y. Sunaga, Z. Shu, Y. Kawahara and S. Seino

Phosphofructokinase Is Critical for Hypoxia-Induced Activation of Glycolysis in Human Erythrocytes: Prediction by Biosimulation and Verification by Metabolome Analysis
A. Kinoshita, K. Tsukada, T. Soga, T. Hishiki, M. Tomita and M. Suematsu

Modeling for Neural Control of Cardiac Excitation
I. Findlay, S. Suzuki, S. Murakami and Y. Kurachi

A Computational Model of Biochemical Interaction of NO and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Microcirculation
M. Kavdia and W.J. Richardson


Vascular Structure and Remodeling


Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Arterialization
J.I. Pagel, M.H. Maurer, U. Pohl and E. Deindl

Carotid Plaques from Symptomatic Stroke Patients Show Upregulated Angiogenic Gene Expression
R.J. Dempsey, K. Türeyen, S. Salamat and R. Vemuganti

Disruption of Coordinated Angiogenesis and Cardiac Hypertrophy Contributes to the Transition to Heart Failure
Y. Izumiya, I. Shiojima and K. Walsh

Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Plasticity and Vascular Remodeling
L.A. Martinez-Lemus, G.A. Meininger and M.A. Hill

Extracellular Matrix-Mediated Tube Formation From Isolated Hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells-Involvement of Rho GTPases and caveolae
M. Oda and H. Yokomori

Stiffness of the Extracellular Matrix Has Opposite Effects on Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis In Vitro
N.I. Ervin, S. Uriel, M. Moya, M.L. Morley and E.M. Brey

Development of In Vivo Model with Total Skin Flap Chamber for Visualizing Vascular Network Remodeling
N. Ohura, I. Shiokawa, A. Takushima, S. Ichioka, M. Shibata and K. Harii

Acute Stretch Promotes Vascular Growth in Wounded Healing Mouse Skin
F. Reilly, C. Shrader, H. Ressetar, J. Luo and E. Cilento


Translational Physiology of the Microcirculation


Paracrine Regulation of Arterial Tone by ADRF in Obesity-Associated Hypertension in NZO Mice
M. Gollasch, G. Fésüs, G. Dubrovska, K. Gorzelniak, R. Kluge and F.C. Luft

Naringenin Exerts Its Anti-Tumor Effect Via Antiangiogenesis
F. Zhang, G. Du and W. Liang

Genetic Determinants of Vascular Oxidant Stress: A Key Role for Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase
J. Loscalzo and J.A. Leopold

Vascular Resistance Induced by Oxidized Red Blood Cells with Enhanced Adherence to Endothelium
A. Koshkaryev, D.K. Kaul, G. Barshtein and S. Yedgar

Role of TNF alpha in Prediabetic Metabolic Syndrome Induced Endothelial Dysfunction
X. Gao, Y. Park, S. Capobianco, J. Yang, H. Zhang, A. Picchi and C. Zhang

Morphological Peculiarities of Heart and Coronory Vessels Damage in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
E. Sokolov and A. Davydov

Rescue of Hypoxia/Reoxygenation Induced Impaired Dilation in Rat Cerebral Arterioles
H.H. Dietrich, C. Xiang and R.G. Dacey, Jr.

In-vivo Visualisation of Microvascular Endothelium (In)Dependent Reactivity in Man
P. van der Baan, P. de Leeuw, C. Stehouwer and A. Houben

Does All Peripheral Microcirculation Coherently Derived by the Heart Pumping?
M.Y. Jan, T.L. Hsu, P.T. Chao, S.P. Li, W.K. Wang and Y.Y. Lin Wang

D-4F Does Not Mitigate Key Parameters in Rat Model of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension
R. Molthen, S. Baumgardt, and K.A. Pritchard Jr.

Regular Physical Training Improves Microvascular Reactivity in Hypertensive Patients
L. Pasqualini, G. Schillaci, G. Pucci, S. Innocente, D. Siepi, F. Coscia, S. Simonetti, B.P.R. Kouadio, M.V. Amoruso, M.F. Cacioni and E. Mannarino

Raman Micro-Spectroscopy Measurement of Hemoglobin Oxygen Saturation Using 532 nm Excitation
I. Torres Filho, R. Filler, E. Proffitt, L. Torres, J. Terner, R. Pittman and K. Ward

Tissue Oxygenation of Human Mucosa Using Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
I. Torres Filho, J. Terner, L. Torres, D. Vakhshoori, P. Wang, K. Knopp and K. Ward

Pulmonary Microvascular Injury Resulting from a Single Exposure to Low-Dose Thoracic Radiation
Q. Wu, G. Schmirler, J.E. Moulder, E.R. Jacobs, M. Medhora and R. Molthen


Late Arrivals

Assessment of Rat Renal Perfusion Using Infrared Imaging
A.M. Gorbach, H. Wang, D. Marsh and N. Holstein-Rathlou

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