2nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology – ESCP

(September 26-29, 2007, Malta)





Invited Lectures

MRI in the Diagnosis and Staging of Rectal Cancer
R.G.H. Beets-Tan

Core Subjects Update: Management of Diverticular Disease
N.R. Hall

Update on Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
F. Konishi

Endoanal Ultrasonography in Rectal Cancer
J. Korcek

Imaging in Colorectal Cancer: CT Colonography
A. Laghi

STARR Update
G. Meurette, M. La Torre and P.A. Lehur

How To Implement Laparoscopic Surgery in a Colorectal Unit
M. Parker

Pelvic Floor Disorders: Working Together with Other Specialties
G. Romano, F. Bianco, L. Caggiano and G. Ciorra

The Management of Advanced and Recurrent Pelvic Malignancy
P.M. Sagar

Video Surgery: Repair of Rectovaginal Fistula
Y. Sahlin

Reconstructive Options for the Chest and Abdomial Wall Defects after Primary or Secondary Tumors Resections
J. Vesely, P. Hyza, V. Jedlicka, A. Pestal, J. Vokurka, J. Dolezel, P. Vlcek and I. Capov

Imaging in Colorectal Cancer: PET/CT
J. Votrubova



Free Papers

Audit of the Organisation of Colorectal Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meetings in the District General Hospital
P. Chingale, J. Constantinou and S. Vivekanandan

Systemic Peritoneal Cavity Lavage: A New Strategy for Treatment of the Open Septic Abdomen
M. D’Hondt, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy and F. Vansteenkiste

Treatment of Enteroatmospheric Fistulae in the Open Abdomen Using Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy - The Right Foam in the Right Place
M. D’Hondt, D. Devriendt, F. Van Rooy and F. Vansteenkiste

Solving ODS by Modified STARR Method – Final Results
V. Ducháč, L. Horák, R. Grill, J. Štukavec, J. Feyereisl, M. Otčenášek, B. Svoboda and M. Krupša

Peritonectomy Procedures for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Origin
A.L. Farquharson, A.G. Renehan, P.E. Fulford, D.J. Sherlock, M.S. Wilson and S.T. O’Dwyer

Obliterative Treatment of Criptoglandular Fistula with Anal Plug. Does It Work in Europe?
L. Lenisa, A. Rusconi, L. Mascheroni, M. Andreoli, R. Grignani and J. Mégevand

Sacral Nerve Modulation for Chronic Constipation: Preliminary Experience
G. Naldini, L. Moraldi, R. Balestri, N. Romano and M. Rossi

Systemic Inflammatory Cytokines in Laparoscopic and Open Colorectal Resection: A Correlation with Postoperative Infection
S.E. Noblett and A.F. Horgan

Availability and Effectiveness of Colorectal Service at a Family Physician’s Level in Lithuania
Tomas Poškus, Tomas Gudas, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius and Kęstutis Vitkus

Do We Need a Change in Criteria for Referral of Suspected Colorectal Cancer Patients or Should We Educate the Referral Sources?
RAK Reddy, Anil. Agarwal.

Surgical Treatment of Retrorectal Tumors
J.V. Roig, J. García-Armengol, R. Alós, A. Solana, F.L. Villalba, P. Albors and C. Sancho

Colorectal Surgeons and New Concepts of Perioperative Care
J.V. Roig, A. Salvador, F.L. Villalba, J. García-Armengol, A. García Fadrique, C. Redondo, B. Tormos and J. Puche

One Year Results of New Endosclerofoam Treatment for Haemorrhoidal Disease
G. Rosi, G.P. Reboldi and R. Colucci

Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy for Circular Haemorrhoidal Prolapse: Early and Late Results
Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius and Tomas Poškus

Rectal Cancer Resection; The UMC Ljubljana Experience
Z. Štor, F. Jelenc and S. Repše

Outcome After Emergency Surgery for Acute Perforated Diverticulitis in 207 Cases
J. Vermeulen, N. van Hout, M. Gosselink, E. van der Harst, W. Weidema, G. Mannaerts, P. Coene and J. Lange

Results of Extended Left Hemicolectomy for the Treatment of Chronic Slow Transit Constipation
P. Zeromskas, R. Peldzius, E. Poškus, V. Jotautas, I. Stundiene, J. Stankevičiene and K. Strupas

Results of Surgery for Obstructive Defecation
P. Zeromskas, R. Peldzius, I. Stundiene, J. Dementavičiene, E. Poškus, V. Jotautas and K. Strupas

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