7th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease – ICCAD 2007

(October 7-10, 2007, Venice, Italy)






Coronary artery disease remains a major challenge to the medical profession. Although a concerted global effort has advanced and transformed our understanding in many of the concepts related to diagnosis and treatment of the disease, we have generated a new series of crucial questions which need answers if we are to progress further in our battle against disease. These issues relate to basic research and the possibilities offered by cell therapy and myocardial regeneration, to cardiac diagnosis and the role of revolutionary imaging technologies, and to pharmacologic, interventional and surgical therapies, where we are in the midst of major debates regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the newer and older therapeutic options.

This volume is based on material presented at ICCAD 2007 – the 7th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease, held in the wonderful city of Venice, Italy, on October 7-10, 2007. We thank most sincerely the faculty and participants who spent long hours preparing presentations for the Congress and also these chapters for publication. Thanks are also due to the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industry, whose generous support made the Congress possible, to Kenes International Congress Organizers, and to our colleagues, friends and families for their never-ending help, support and advice in planning the meeting. We hope and trust that the discussions in Venice and these chapters, published so beautifully and efficiently by Medimond, will help us all in planning the directions we should be taking in our research and in patient management in the coming years.

Basil S. Lewis Venice, Italy, October 2007
David A. Halon
Moshe Y. Flugelman





Angiogenesis, Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy


Cell Therapy of Ischemic Heart Disease: Hype and Hope
P. Menasché

Stem Cell Therapy in Chronic Cardiac Failure
CM. Schannwell, M. Brehm, T. Zeus, M. Köstering, P. Wernet and B.E. Strauer

Erythropoietin Enhances the Angiogenic Potency of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in a Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction
Fumin Zhang, Dingguo Zhang, Zhijian Yang, Yuqing Zhang, Xiang Gao, Wenzhu Ma and Kejiang Cao

Percutanous Endocardial Cell Injection in Hibernating Myocardium: Mesenchymal Vs. Mononuclear Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells
K. Krause, K. Jaquet, C. Lange, C. Schneider, S. Geidel, T. Zienkiewicz, B. Köktürk, A.R. Zander and K.-H. Kuck

Intracoronary Application of Autologous Bone Marrow- Derived Stem- Cells in Patients After Myocardial Infarction
J. Jorgova, I. Manukov, D. Trendafilova, O. Litzanov, R. Kasabov, Deenichina,
C. Tcvetkovski, C. Botev, I. Tonev, M. Minchev, V. Hrischev and V. Shivarov



Basic Research, Molecular Biology


Infectious Agents and Chronic Diseases: Further Evidence for a Viral Role in Alzheimer’s Disease, and Possible Implications for Atherosclerotic Disease
R. Itzhaki and M. Wozniak

Heat Shock Protein 60 and Cardiovascular Disease
A.A. Knowlton, L. Lin, S.-Chan Kim, Y. Wang and N. Siebenborn

Novel G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signalling Pathways in Cardiac Hypertrophy
F. Mayor Jr., C. García-Hoz, A.S. Tutor, M. Herranz, M.T. Díaz-Meco, J. Moscat, P. Penela and C. Ribas

Nuclear Proteins Involved in Heart Disease
A. Ludtke and H.H.-J. Schmidt

Myocardial Proteom Analysis with Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Differentiates Coronary and Valvular Heart Diseases
D. Baykut, G. Baykut, M. Witt, F. Mayer-Posner, M. Bergquist, J. Bergquist and H.R. Zerkowski

Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and Its Prevention by Metallothionein
X.K. Li, Y. Tan and L. Cai

Isoprostanes May Mediate Vasospasm in Human Radial Artery Following Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery
L.J. Janssen

Valsartan-Induced Reversal of Post-Translational Modifications of the Delta-Subunit of ATP Synthase and Remodeling During Reperfused Myocardial Infarction
B.I. Jugdutt and G. Sawicki

Possible Involvement of Nitric Oxide in the Suppression of the Release of Cellular ATP During Ischemia in Cultured Cardiac Myocytes
K. Kawahara, T. Hachiro, and D. Matsuyama

Whole Blood and Platelet Transcriptome and Proteome Alteration in Patients Affected by First Acute Myocardial Infarction
M. Bellin, L. Nanni, A. Viganò, M. Vasso, G. Vallanti, D. Vozzi, N. Cristell, D. Cianflone, C. Gelfi, A. Maseri and G. Lanfranchi

Reconstitution of Hematopoiesis in Lethally Irradiated Mice by Lentivirally Transduced Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells
N. Radukhina, O. Ilyinskaya, T. Vlasik, T. Arefieva, P. Rutkevich, A. Kozlov, I. Rybalkin, T. Gurskaya, V. Shishkina, A. Shevelev and E. Tararak

The Effects of Pentoxifylline on the Myocardial Inflammation and Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
H. Ustunsoy, M.C. Sivrikoz, M. Tarakcioglu, K. Bakir, E. Guldur and M.A. Celkan

PAI-1-Induction in Experimental Septic Cardiomyoptahy Is Associated with Reduced Norepinephrine Overflow from the Heart
U. Schaefer, P. Linsel-Nitschke, D. Hecht von Saldern, I. Stölting, R. Levi, H. Schunkert and T. Kurz



Atherosclerosis, Lipids and Lipoproteins


Macrophage Foam Cell Formation Mediated by Receptor-Independent Macropinocytosis of LDL
H.S. Kruth, C. Buono, S.W. Waldo and Y. Li

Statins and Antibiotics for Treatment of Chlamydia Atherosclerosis Lesions
A. Shor

Efficacy and Safety of Combination of Prescription Omega-3 (Omacor®) Added to Stable Statin Therapy in Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects: The COMBOS Trial
M.H. Davidson, H. Bays, E.A. Stein, K.C. Maki, R. Doyle, R. Shalwitz and C.M. Ballantyne

Failure to Detect Chlamydia pneumoniae by Polymerase Chain Reaction in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes
I. Burazor, A. Vojdani, M. Burazor, S. Stefanovic, A. Stankovic, G. Cvetanovic and G. Grujic

Gene Expression of the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque and Blood Pathological State Communication
S. Cagnin, M. Biscuola, C. Patuzzo, E. Trabetti, M. Iafrancesco, A. Forni, A. Mazzucco, P.F. Pignatti and G. Lanfranchi

The Effect of Lipid Lowering Therapy on hs-CRP and oxLDL in Untreated Mild Hypertensive Patients
Z. Caparevic, N. Kostic, S. Ilic, S. Jelic, M. Dekleva, B. Pencic and V. Celic

Comparative Progression of Atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- Mice Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Concentrated Ambient Particles
L. Chen, C. Quan, Q. Li, X. Jin, M. Zhong, Q. Sun and S. Rajagopalan

Selected Markers of Inflammation and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease Treated with PTCA with/without Stent Implantation
W. Kolasiñska-Kloch, D. Drobniak-He³dak, M. Kloch, R. Rajtar, A. Furga³a, B. Kieæ-Wilk and A. Dembiñska-Kieæ

The 1527 Ala®Gly Polymorphism in the ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter ABCA7 Is Associated with Dyslipidemia and Metabolic Syndrome in Women – Results from the MONICA/KORA Echocardiographic Substudy
P. Linsel-Nitschke, A. Götz, U.R. Schaefer, W. Lieb, P. Bruse, A. Doering, H. Loewel, B. Mayer, H. Schunkert and J. Erdmann

Two Common Polymorphisms in the PON1-Promotor Are Associated with Both Paraoxonase Activity and Risk of Myocardial Infarction
P. Linsel-Nitschke, S. Belz, H. Jansen, A. Goetz, I. Braenne, P. Bruse, W. Lieb, I.R. König, B. Mayer, A. Doering, T. Meitinger, C. Hengstenberg, A. Ziegler, H. Schunkert and J. Erdmann

Evaluation of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein in the Coronary Circulation of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease, and its Association with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
M.M. Ramadan, M. Kodama, S. Hirono and Y. Aizawa

Involvement of Oxidative Stress in Experimental Atherosclerosis: Experimental Study with Agaricus Sylvaticus and Antioxidant Vitamins Supplementation
S. Percário, V.F. Odorizzi, D.R.S. Souza, W.N. Ogawa, M.A.S. Pinhel and M.F. Godoy

Association Between Fatty Liver Disease and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients with History of Stroke
L. Poanta, A. Albu and C. Grosz

Pravastatin and Rosiglitazone May Attenuate Coronary Artery Disease by Decreasing Interferon-g, Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, Interleukin-6, Macrophage Chemotactic Protein-1, C-Reactive Protein, and
Increasing Interleukin-4

L.G. Tan, S.A. Tan and L.S. Berk

LDL- and HLD-Cholesterol Optimization Using Phytonutrient Combination Therapy
P.J.E. Verdegem



Endothelial Function, Vascular Biology


Human Monocyte/Macrophages In Vitro Model for Screening of Photodynamic Effects
E.R. Andreeva, O.O. Udartseva, E.M. Tararak, S.G. Kuzmin and I.N. Vozovikov

Improved Saphenous Vein Graft Patency in Coronary Artery Bypass Patients: The Contribution of an Intact Vasa Vasorum
M. Dashwood, A. Loesch, D. Filbey, M. Dreifaldt and D. Souza

Turbulent Blood Flow Plays an Essential Localizing Role in the Development of Atherosclerotic Lesions in Experimentally-Induced Hypercholesterolemia in Rats
C.M. Prado, S.G. Ramos, É.C. Campos and M.A. Rossi



Epidemiology, Prevention and Prognosis


The Role of National Surveys in the Assessment of Quality of Care of Patients with Acute Coronary SyndromeThe Example of ACSIS
S. Behar

From Vulnerable Plaque and Patient to Vulnerable Period
M. Mosseri and G. Landesberg

How To Do Prevention in Immigrants: Does the Second Generation Need Special Programs?
A. Bader, H. Bezirkan and M. Hochleitner

Myocardial Infarction: The 25-Year Trends of Morbidity, Mortality and Fatality Rate in Russia (WHO Programs "Register of Acute Myocardial Infarction", "Monica")
V. Gafarov

Integrating Multi Disciplinary Community Heart Health Program with Family Physicians: An Innovative Model for Vascular Health
N. Giacomantonio and W. Firth

Correlation Between GISSI Risk Score Classes and Major Cardiovascular Events in a Population of Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction
E. Salvetti, G. Giuliani, F. Spezia, L. Russo, M. Sansoni and A. Zipoli

Inhibition of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System,and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Axis and Physical Performance
M. Maggio, A. Artoni, F. Lauretani, S. Bandinelli, G. Onder, M. Pahor, S.M. Ling, C. Ruggiero, G. Valenti, L. Ferrucci and G.P. Ceda

Seasonal Variation in Mean Platelet Volume and Acute Myocardial Infarction
Ayhan Cosgun and Huseyin Oren

The Effects of an Exercise Intervention on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Type 2 Diabetics
J.C. Orri, C.J. Thompson and D.E. Sellmeyer

Study of Reversibility of the Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance: The ANTIATERO-ALIM Study
S. Dragan, C. Socaciu, I. Gergen, S. Mancas, S. Ursoniu, D. Velimirovici, G. Otiman and M. Rada

Nocturnal Oxyhaemoglobin Desaturation and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type-1
B. Pencic, M. Dekleva, V. Celic, Z. Caparevic, N. Kostiæ and A. Grdinic

Empirically Derived or Pre-Existing Model to Evaluate Hospital Performance? Comparison Between the Italian CABG Model and the EuroSCORE System
S. Rosato, P. D’Errigo, F. Seccareccia, V. Manno, G. Badoni, D. Fusco and C.A. Perucci

Clinical Presentation, Outcome and Therapy in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Correlation with Demographic Factors – A RO-STEMI Analysis Report
D. Þînþ, M. Rãdoi, Gh. Pamfil, D.D. Ionescu, C. Militaru, G.A. Dan, I. Daha, G. Tatu-Chiþoiu, E. Nechita and RO-STEMI investigators

Erectile Dysfunction – Early Sign or Risk Factor for Vascular Disease?
D. Þînþ, C. Stãnescu, Gh. Pamfil and M. Rãdoi

Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Patients Determined by a Newly Developed Questionnaire on Autonomic Regulation (aR)
R. Zerm, M. Kroez, D. Cysarz, M. Frühwirth, M. Moser, M. Jecht, C. Heckmann and M. Girke



New Diagnostic Techniques


In Vivo Plaque Characterization in AMI Patients by IVUS-VH
H.-P. Schultheiss, B. Witzenbichler and M. Jaster

Echogardiographic Diagnostic Markers for the Discrimination of Ischemic from Dilated Cardiomyopathy
G. Papanagnou, A. Karanassios and A. Antonoulas

Right Ventricle Function in Athletes After Isometric Test
L. Stefani, G. Pedrizzetti, A. De Luca, B. Cappelli, L. Toncelli, V. Di Tante, A. Moretti, L. Caselli, A. Ingarozza, R. Mercuri, M. Gianassi, P. Manetti, M.C.R. Vono, S. Mastrodicasa and G. Galanti

Tissue Doppler Imaging in Hypertensive Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
A. Stevanovic and M. Dekleva



Cardiac CT and MRI


Coronary CT Angiography in the Diagnosis of Patients with Acute Chest Pain
D.A. Halon, R. Rubinshtein, T. Gaspar, N. Peled and B.S. Lewis

The Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Cardiomyopathy
A. Grasso, R. O‘Hanlon and D.J. Pennell

Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in the Evaluation of Myocardial Ischemia
N. António, P. Donato, P. Monteiro, B. Graça, H. Rodrigues, L. Gonçalves, F. Caseiro-Alves and L.A. Providência



Angina Pectoris


The "Natural" History of Stable Angina
G. Sutton

Markers of Endothelial Damage, Selected Inflammatory Markers and Uric Acid in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Angioplasty
R. Rajtar, W. Kolasiñska-Kloch, M. Kloch, D. Drobniak-Heldak and A. Dembiñska-Kieæ



Acute Coronary Syndromes, Acute Myocardial Infarction


Modification of the Infarct Size Limiting Effects of Statins by Antiplatelet Drugs
R. Merla, Y. Ye and Y. Birnbaum

Collagen and Ventricular Remodeling During Healing After Reperfused Myocardial Infarction. New Insights
B.I. Jugdutt

Antiplatelet Treatment in Acute Coronary Syndromes Where Do We Stand?
M. Keltai

ST-Segment and T-Wave Analysis Helps Diagnose the Successful Myocardial Reperfusion in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
L. Berstein

Myocardial Performance Index Is Predictive for Extensive Remodeling but not for Global Left Ventricular Dysfunction After First Myocardial Infarction
M. Dekleva, V. Celic, M. Colic, J. Suzic, N. Radivojevic and M. Ristic

Causes of Death in Acute Myocardial Infarction – A Pathological Study
G.S. Gheorghe, I.T. Nanea, A.W. Stefanescu, I.M. Andrei and M. Nanea

Clinical Experience in Percutaneous Cardiopulmonary Support for Critically Ill Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
A. Takahashi, K. Hayashida, S. Nakajima, N. Taniguchi, M. Yano, Y. Takahashi and H. Yaku

Circulating Pro-inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris
E.V. Shlyakhto, E.M. Nifontov, E.G. Sergeeva and O.V. Galkina

NT-proBNP, T Troponin, C-Reactive Protein Correlation in Patients with Unstable Angina and non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
E. Craiu, C. Voiculet, M. Toringhibel, F. Vizireanu, C. Chiriac and C. Ginghina





Circumferential Wall Tension Due to Hypertension Plays a Pivotal Role in Aorta Remodeling
C.M. Prado and M.A. Rossi





CT-Scan Assessment of Anatomic Relation Between Left Atrial Posterior Wall and Esophagus, and Pulmonary Veins Isolation Post-Procedural Consequences
S. Tissier



Drug Therapy


Prescription Omega-3 Added to Stable Statin Therapy: A Mechanistic Perspective
C.M. Ballantyne, H. Bays, R. Shalwitz, R.T. Doyle and M.H. Davidson

Pharmacokinetic Interaction Between Prescription Omega-3-Acid Ethyl Esters (P-OM3) and Rosuvastatin in Healthy Subjects
D. Patel, J. Liu, R. Doyle, J. Johnson and R. Carter

Inhibition of Nitrate Tolerance without Reducing Vascular Response During Eccentric Dosing of Nitrates
K. Kanamasa

Heat Shock Protein (Hsp) Antibody Titers Are Reduced by Statin Therapy
M.C. Guisasola, E. Dulin, M.M. Desco, M.J. Sanchez and P. García-Barreno

Beta-Blockers and Hydrochlorothiazides in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and/or Hyperlipidemia: Not Always Bad News. An Austrian Survey
S. Sock, S. Perl, K. Stoschitzky, J. Plank, E. Kvas and R. Zweiker



Ventricular Function, Heart Failure


Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure – What Are the Differences?
K. Chatterjee

Acute Cardio-Betamodulation Enhances Left Ventricular Performance: Comparison Between Oesophageal Doppler and Invasive Pressure-Volume Derived Indexes
J.C. Grignola, L. Devera, G. Reta, J.P. Bouchacourt, G. Amonte, H. Píriz and R. Muchada

Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
D. Kawecki, R. Rybczyk, W. Œcierski, I. Kawecka, A. Tomasik, C. Wojciechowska, G. Irlik, K. Mrówka-Kata, I. Œwitalska-Janiczek, E. Nowalany-Kozielska, G. Namys³owski and J. Wodniecki

Left Ventricular Diastolic Function After AMI Predicts Left Ventricular Expansion in Patients with Modestly Reserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function
S. Okino, F. Shigeru, J. Sugioka, A. Ikeda, J. Maekawa, S. Ichikawa, M. Inagaki and S. Ozawa



Interventional Cardiology


Primary Angioplasty: One Month Mortality in Elderly Patients
F. Bonechi, F. Calabrò, A. Naldoni, G. Giuliani, A. Taiti, M. Nieri, E. Salvetti, F. Nassi and A. Zipoli

New Concept for Chronic Total Occlusion Using Retrograde Approach via the Septal Branch in the RCA
N. Ozawa, M. Shinozaki, T. Sato, T. Shimizu, T. Miyauchi and T. Nagao

Coronary Plaque Composition of Culprit Lesions Assessed by Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound in Acute Coronary Syndrome and Stable Angina
T. Okado, H. Takase, T. Toriyama, S. Tanaka, Y. Dohi and G. Kimura

Elective Day Case Transradial Percutaneous Coronary Intervention – A 4 Year Single Centre Study
A. Wiper, R. Anantharaman, E. Mckay, C. Appleby, J. MacDonald, S. Kumar, S. Eccleshall and D.H. Roberts

18-Month Outcome After Percutaneous Intervention in Post-Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients
J. Garcia-Tejada, M. Velazquez, F. Hernandez, A. Albarran, J. Andreu, I. Gomez and J. Tascon

Novel Technique for Chronic Total Occlusion-Clinical Experience in 0.010 Inch Guide Wire with Compatible Balloon Catheter System
M. Yano, A. Takahashi, N. Taniguchi, K. Sato and S. Nakajima



Stents and Drug Eluting Stents


Efficacy of Drug-Eluting Stents in the Treatment of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Lesions
J. Garcia-Tejada, F. Hernandez, M. Velazquez, A. Albarran, J. Andreu, I. Gomez and J. Tascon

Drug-Eluting Stents in Primary PCI: Health District (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) 11, Tuscany, Italy Experience
F. Bonechi, A.Taiti, M. Nieri, G. Giuliani, F. Calabrò, F. Nassi, A. Naldoni and A. Zipoli

A Single Centre Experience of Left Main-Stem Angioplasty Using the Endeavor™ Stent
K. Hertting, P. Burchardt, M. Hoffmann-Riem, A. Mandel, W. Raut and C. Pott

Treatment of Drug Eluting Stents Restenosis. Single Centre Experience
S. Moreno-Reviriego, J. Lacunza-Ruiz, MJ. Oliva-Sandoval, JR. Gimeno-Blanes, E. Pinar-Bermudez, R. Valdesuso, J. Hurtado-Martínez and M. Valdés

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Octogenarians. Do they Face a Higher Risk?
M. Velazquez, L. Mora, J. Garcia-Tejada, A. Albarran, F. Hernandez, I. Gomez,
J. Andreu and J. Tascon



Surgical Aspects


The Changing Role of Surgical Coronary Revascularization: A Contemporary, Decade Experience from a Canadian Academic Institution
S.K. Singh, N.P. Fountas, S.E. Fremes and B.S. Goldman

Effect of Minimal Extracorporal Circulation (MECC) Compared to Cardiopulmonary Bypass System(CPB) on Organ Function and Inflammatory Response A Prospective Randomized Study
J. Schönebeck, U. Mehrmann, M. Haddad, B. Reiter, B. Dahme, C. Detter and H. Reichenspurner

New Assist Devices for Heart Failure
E. Wolner, S. Sandner, D. Zimpfer and G. Wieselthaler

Vineberg Procedure – A New Technique
J.G. Lobo Filho, A.J.V. Forte, M.C.A. Leitão and H.G. Lobo Filho

Surgical Myocardial Revascularization and Flow Steal
A.J.V. Forte, J.G. Lobo Filho, M.C.A. Leitão, H.G. Lobo Filho and E.R. Carvalho

Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Heart Failure Patients Undergoing CABG
M. Penicka, J. Bartunek, M. Vanderheyden, and P. Widimsky On behalf of the Research grant IGA NR: 8524-5 and the Charles University Prague Research Project MSM 0021620817

Radial Artery Grafts onto the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery: A Safe Alternative to the Left Internal Mammary Artery
S.K. Singh, N.P. Fountas, D. Petroff, G.N. Cohen, G.T. Christakis, B.S. Goldman and S.E. Fremes

Initial Impact of DES on Coronary Artery Bypass Graft in Japan
Y. Takahara, K. Mogi, M. Hatakeyama and A. Doi

Anomalous Origin of the Circumflex Coronary Artery from the Right Coronary Artery: Diagnosis and Operative Strategy
C.E. Tourmousoglou, S. Lalos, Th. Psarros and J. Papaioannou

Meta-analyses Comparing Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with On-Pump: What Do We Expect
C.E. Tourmousoglou, S. Lalos, Th. Psarros and J. Papaioannou

Endarterectomy and Combined Stent Removal During Opcab Procedure
K.D. Triantafillou and S.E. Fragoulis

 MEDIMOND s.r.l. - Via Verdi, 15/1 - 40067 Pianoro (BO) Italy