The Fetus as a Patient

XXIV International Congress

(June 12-14, 2008 – Frankfurt, Germany)






The International Society «The Fetus as a Patient» was founded in 1984 by a very prestigious group of Perinatal Medicine specialists, including Asim KURJAK (Croatia), Stuart CAMPBELL (UK), Joachim DUDENHAUSEN (Germany), Manfred HANSMANN (Germany), Penti JOUPPILA (Finland), Kazuo MAEDA (Japan), Zoltan PAPP (Hungary), Joseph G. SCHENCKER (Israel), Ilan TIMOR-TRITSCH (USA) and Jury WLADIMIROFF (The Netherlands). Later on several experts all over the world joined that first group, and now there are over 50 members. At present the President of the Society is Frank A. CHERVENAK (USA).

The aim of «The Fetus as a Patient» Society is the progress of the maternal, fetal and neonatal care. To achieve this objective, the Society holds an annual international congress as well as certain advanced training courses for post-graduates in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. The Society edits books entitled «The Fetus as a patient» which summarise the most important lectures presented by the world’s most prestigious specialists in Perinatal Medicine at the mentioned congresses .

With the proceedings of "The Fetus as a Patient" XXIV International Congress (Frankfurt, Germany, 2008) it is my privilege to present you with new developments in many aspects of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

I express thanks to all coauthors who have contributed decisively to the success of this book.

Finally I am honored to thank Dr. Elonora Leardini from Medimond Publisher for the excellent preparation of the proceedings and that she could manage to get them published in time for the congress. The proceedings are available on CD Rom and in a volume.

Eberhard Merz, M.D. Frankfurt, June 2008
President of the German Society
for Ultrasound in Medicine







Invited Lectures


Environmental and Genetic Causes of Human Congenital Malformations: Will We Ever Prevent this Group of Diseases?

R.L. Brent


Saving Lives and Changing Family Histories; Appropriate and Inappropriate Counseling of Pregnant Women, and Men and Women of Reproductive Age, Regarding Environmental Risk

R.L. Brent


Strategies for Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa

J.M. Carrera


When Does Human Life Begin: Relevance of the Fetus as a Person

A. Kurjak


Severity of IUGR Assessed by Actocardiogram

K. Maeda, N. Teshima, M. Tatsumura, T. Ito, S. Yoshida, T. Iwabe, M. Utsu, S. Morokuma, R.K. Pooh, M. Serizawa and T. Fuchiwaki


3D/4D Ultrasound Assessment of Fetal Face Malformations

E. Merz, C. Welter and A. Oberstein


Low Birth Weight Infants – Possible Effect of Epigenetic Changes

Tatjana Motrenko Simic


Simple Measures for Prevention of High Risk Premature Births

E. Saling and M. Dräger


The Effect of Human Genetic Material Cryopreservation on Perinatal Outcome

J.G. Schenker


Feticide Versus Palliative Care of the Neonate – An Alternative?

R. Schlösser


Pediatric Aspects in Prenatal Medicine: The Role of the Neonatologist

V. von Loewenich


Three-Dimensional Assessment of Fetal Craniofacial Development

J.W. Wladimiroff and N.M. Roelfsema


Prenatal Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities by Array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization

Young Ho Yang, Sun Young Rha, Ja Young Kwon, Chan Hee Park and Kyung Ryul Lee




Free Papers


Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate and Gastroschisis in the Same Fetus Patient

D. Albu and D. Pelinescu-Onciul


Severe IUGR Fetus and Maternal Scleroderma

D. Albu and D. Pelinescu-Onciul


Maturation of Fetuses in Pregnant Women with Diabetes

I. Kaim


First Description of a Case of Classic Maternal Phenylketonuria and Sonographic Signs of Fetal Trisomy 21

H. Lehnen, M. Vinke, G. Schwennicke and U. Pascheberg


First Trimester Markers for Pre-Eclampsia: Prediction by Uterine Artery Doppler and PAPP-A

D. Lorenzi, C. Scarabelli, M. Rampino, L. Cafaro and F. Polatti


Prediction, Evaluation and Management of Hypoxia in IUGR

K. Maeda, T. Iwabe, S. Morokuma and M. Utsu


Are Neonatal Jaundice, Heart Murmur, Dyslalia and Learning/ Memory Impairments Consequences of Mother Exposure to Environmental Oxidants?

L. Mohorovic, E. Materljan and G. Brumuni


Comparison of VEGF and Soluble FLT-1 Gene Expression in Korean Normal and Preeclamptic Placentas

K. Oh, H. Baik and Y. Kwak


Anatomical Data Supporting the Interpretation of the Ultrasound Image of Fetal Lung

N. Schmidt, D. Mureºan, G. Zaharie, F. Stamatian and D. Gheban


Umbilical Venous Doppler Velocimetry in the Assessment of Growth Restricted Fetuses in the Third Trimester

W.WK. To and K.M. Mok


Contribution of Fetal Pulse Oximetry in Cesarean Rate Reduction

I. Kazakos, K. Chaidogiannos, L. Batalias, Ch. Chrelias, D. Kassanos and C. Loghis





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