8th Congress of the
Federation of the European Societies for
Surgery of the Hand
A Collection of Free Papers

 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 22-25, 2002




Dear colleagues,

The eighth congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) in Amsterdam, May 22-25, 2002, has to my mind been a great success. The combination of an instructional course of the Paediatric Upper Limb, with the issue of a congress book on this subject, together with the Master Classes and Free Papers on various subjects in Hand Surgery, has provided a broad view in our field.

The meeting was organised together with the European Society for Hand Therapy (seventh congress) which added to the understanding, knowledge and interaction between hand surgeons and hand therapists.

From every meeting originate articles of the Free Papers in various journals and also a collection of articles has been assembled in the proceedings, which lie in front of you.

Hoping you will enjoy the collection of outstanding articles, yours sincerely, with kind regards,

Steven Hovius, MD, PhD.
Chairman of the organising committee of the VIIIth FESSH meeting in Amsterdam






Hand Trauma/Arthroplasty

The Moje Prosthesis
W. Baer, S. Ruf and P. Schaller

Distal Finger Injuries
K. Ertem, A. Bora, I. Ayan, M. Karakaplan, A. Eskin, H. Bostan and F. Taº

Ultrasound Scans of Hand- and Finger Injuries in Childhood. An Illustrated Overview
A. Fette and J. Mayr

Reconstruction of Severely Burned Toddler’S Palms Using IntegraTM Dermal Substitute
A. Fette, H. Zerai, P. Schmittenbecher and F.J. Helmig

Lengthening of the Amputation Stumps in Hand By Distraction Osteogenesis
A. Gürlek, M. Inan, B.T. Bilen, H. Aydogan, A. Ersöz, M. Çelik, A. Fariz and S. Aslan

Radiological Images of Alarm in Surface Replacement of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint For Postraumatic Arthrosis
X. Mir, M. Garcia-Portabella, J. Font, G. Pidemunt, A. Lluch and J. Pedemonte

Vascular Supply of the Hand Dorsum: Possibility of Reverse Island Flap for Finger Resurfacing
S. Omokawa, Y. Tanaka, J. Ryu and K. Shigematsu

Treatment of Nonunion/Malunion after Complex Tissue Injury of the Finger Using Low Profile Plate System
K. Shigematsu, S. Omokawa, T. Takaoka, Y. Inada, H. Yajima and Y. Takakura



Lunotriquetral Arthrodesis: A Procedure with a High Failure Rate
L. De Smet and W. Vandesande

Vascularized Bone Graft from the Dorsum of the Distal Radius in the Treatment of Unstable Nonunion of the Scaphoid
A. Fuentes-Diaz, P. Cano-Luis, J.A. Lozano-Requena and F.J. Ricón-Recarey

Surgery in the Outcomes of Traumatic Wrist ("Coxa Manus’" Surgery)
G.M. Grippi and D. Pompilio

Results of Surgical Treatment of Complex Articular Fractures of Distal Radius. Correlation Between Functional and Radiographic Outcome
G. Pilato, A. Bini, M.F. Surace and A. Ferrari

The Comminuted Fracture of the Radial Head. A New Surgical Insrtument and a New Surgical Procedure
D.S. Poggi, M. Lisanti and G. Cantini

Rationale and Development of a Novel Surgical Approach Using Palmarly Bent T-Shape Pre-Stressed Plate for the Treatment of Colles’ Fractures
Gy. Seress, L. Kurucz, K. Kovács and H. Osgyán

Is SLAC (Scapholunate Advanced Collapse) Wrist Caused by Rotary Subluxation of the Scaphoid?
Y. Taniguchi and M. Yoshida


Nerve Injury/Nerve Compression

Median and Ulnar Nerve Injuries at Wrist (Retrospective Review of 40 Cases)
S. Ben Slama, N. Osman, T. Dubert, A. Dinh and P. Valenti

Simoultaneous Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy and Carpal Tunnel Release in Uraemic Patients
R.M. Capelli, V. Galmarini and R. Lagrotteria

Outcome Evaluation of 526 Carpal Tunnel Endoscopic Releases
M. Lazar, L. Garcia and Th. Dubert

"Surgical" Pain Syndromes
H. Millesi

Severe Delayed Neurological Complications Following Low Tension Electrical Burn Injury. A Case Report
R. Moradi, Th. Dubert and E. Touzé

The Ochiai Technique for Peripheral Nerve Grafting in the Upper Limb
T. Stamate, A.R. Budurca and M. Stamate


Upper Limb Trauma

Forearm Reconstruction in a Scholar Girl Suffering Polytrauma and Severe Mangled Upper Limb Injury
A. Fette, J. Mayr and G. Pierer

Fractures of the Humeral Neck Treated Using Intramedullary Elastic Nails: A Review of 42 Cases
M. Rosati, M. Lisanti, M. Scaglione, G. Chiesa and N. Marchetti



Measurements of Skin Deformations and Tension Differences During Standardized Movements As a Basis for the Selection of Optimal Skin Incision
H. Millesi, D. Millesi and R. Reihsner

Relationship Between the Ulnar Artery and Transverse Carpal Ligament
S. Omokawa, Y. Tanaka, J. Ryu and J. Suzuki


Tendon Repair

Transverse Skin Incisions for Hunter Silastic Rod During Flexor Tendon Reconstruction
M.J. Hayton, L. Feldberg and J.H. Stilwell

Rupture of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon: An Analysis of the Results Obtained Using Extensor Indicis PropriusTransfer
M. Rosati, S. Del Grande, G. Mazzinghi and C. Rosetti



A Novel Mutation in HOXD13 Identifies a New Polydactyly/Brachydactyly Phenotype
D. Johnson, S.-H. Kan, A.O.M. Wilkie and H. Giele





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