International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatric Neurology

 May 14 -17, 2008 - Warsaw






Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As a president of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatric Neurology, Warsaw, 14-17th 2008, I am pleased to present you Proceedings of this meeting. Eight hundred participants from Europe and other continents attended the Conference, which was designed to present an update in the diagnosis and management of diseases of the nervous system in children and demonstrate the dramatic progress achieved in our field. Internationally recognized experts had assumed responsibility for the content of the scientific sessions and poster presentations.

We believe that there was no better place for such an event than Poland. Eighteen years ago, Poland initiated the great changes in whole Eastern Europe and led to the collapse of the communist regime. Nowadays, Poland goes through an impressive growth in economy and structure, including most advanced and innovative technologies and research. Warsaw is an extraordinary city, where the history and future are linked so tightly. In Warsaw, influences of Western and Eastern Europe culture cross, creating a vivid and inspiring environment. There was no better place to disseminate knowledge, discuss novel projects and findings, share personal experiences and establish scientific collaboration.

Professor Sergiusz Jozwiak, MD, PhD.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
President of the
Polish Child Neurology Society






Invited Lectures


New Developments in Digital EEG:Methods to Improve Interpretation of Interictal Spikes and Epileptic Seizures

T. Bast and M. Scherg


First Epileptic Seizure: To Treat Or Not To Treat?

A. Covanis


Photosensitivity and Photosensitive Epilepsies

A. Covanis


Measles and Subacute Sclerosing Panecephalitis (SSPE) in the Last
18 Years in Romania

D. Craiu, P. Avram, M. Craiu, A.V. Cochino, I. Minciu, O. Tarta-Arsene, N. Butoianu, C. Burloiu, C. Iliescu and S. Magureanu


Expanding Indications for Epilepsy Surgery in Childhood

I. Tuxhorn and P. Kotagal




Free Papers


Treatment of Children with Drug Resistant Epilepsy with Ketogenic Diet – A Multicenter Study

M. Bachañski, M. Zubiel, E. Jamroz, J. Paprocka, M. Dudziñska, E. Krawiecka and S. Józwiak


Cerebral Venous Thromobosis in Child – The Role of the Early Intervention

M. Budisteanu, C. Burloiu, A.M. Dumea and S. Magureanu


Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy in an Eight Year Old Girl

S. Hiz Kurul, U. Yis and O. Senocak


Levetiracetam in Pediatric Epilepsies – Hints From Add-On Practice

I. Ivanov, I. Pacheva and I. Geneva


Epilepsy in Sturge Weber Syndrome

B. Jociæ-Jakubi, D. Stankoviæ-Jankoviæ, M. Jovanoviæ, M. Mitiæ and L. Lagae


Relevance of EEG Findings in Diagnosis and Treatment Patients with Headache

M. Jovanovic, B. Jocic Jakubi, D. Stankovic Jankovic and M. Mitic


Melatonin and Childhood Refractory Epilepsy

J. Paprocka, R. Dec, E. Jamroz and E. Marsza³


Changes in EEG Following Surfactant Therapy

W. Podraza, H. Podraza and J. Rudnicki


Paediatric Results of a Surveillance Study Evaluating Adverse Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs

B. Steinborn, S. Buyle, C. Baukens, P. Edrich and C. De La Loge


Inborn Errors of Metabolism as a Cause of Neurological Clinical Manifestation

J. Sykut-Cegielska


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